Page 30 - Seniorstoday March 2024 Issue
P. 30
should remarry if you don’t feel the need good times with your husband and don’t
to. Having a companion, someone you can forsake him in his hour of need. You will
talk to and share things with, are happy and never forgive yourself…!
comfortable with, someone who cares about
you… then there’s nothing like it! Q: How does one communicate
Keep an open mind. Spend time with your effectively with my wife about our
grandchildren and if you find this fulfilling, changing physical intimacy as we age?
continue to spend quality time with them. A: Communication is the key to any
Meet up with friends occasionally, lunches healthy marriage. Speak to your wife;
out are such fun, playing bridge or rummy, explain your needs, your desires.
travelling, or anything that interest you is Understand her needs. For all you know,
a great way to keep yourself energised and she may also have certain changing ideas
Image courtesy : Banker’s understandable, particularly as you age…
fulfilled. on intimacy and may not have expressed
herself clearly.
Reduced physical intimacy is
so speak… communicate and understand.
relationship for a few years. Is it alright
to be watching porn? And should I
Q: I am married, my husband is Q: My wife and I have not had a sexual
medically invalid. Over the last few tell her that I am watching porn or be
months, I seem to enjoy the company secretive?
of a widower who lives in my complex. A: Watching porn is not a bad thing
He is really caring and has a very good provided you know why you are doing
sense of humour. He is just like what this and whether there is any unsolved
my husband was when he was young psychological or physical problem. Bring
and fit. Over the last few days, I have your wife in on this, if you are feeling
been feeling fairly guilty about my own guilty about it. Let her understand.
feelings, and I really can’t confide in Libido, which means sex drive or the
anyone about this. Please suggest what I desire for sex, varies dramatically from
should do. one person to the next. It also varies
A: Your husband comes first as long as depending on a person’s preferences and
he is alive. Taking care of his needs and life circumstances. Libido can be affected
making sure that he is comfortable is by medical conditions, hormone levels,
priority. medications, lifestyle and relationship
However, having a companion, a friend… problems.
is fine… so long as you know where to draw Sexual desire is typically higher in men
the line. Don’t mix the two… it just doesn’t than in women, with testosterone thought
work. Explain this to your newfound to account for this difference as well as
friend; if he really cares for you, he will within-sex variation in desire in both
understand where you are coming from. women and men. However, few studies
Love is patient, love is kind… remember the have incorporated both hormonal and