Page 6 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
P. 6
Cover Story
All dressed up and
nowhere to go?
The team at Seniors Today has created a bunch of inspiring and engaging
activities that you can incorporate into your day, filling it with a sense of
fulfillment and completion
As seniors we imagine we are a fairly busy Embracing the unknown and venturing
lot. Taking the advice of doctors and other into uncharted territory can be the key
good people interested in motivating us to to a vibrant and fulfilling life. Let’s dive
wake up to a day filled with activity. into the incredible benefits that come with
But this may not be the case with all enjoying novelty and expanding your
seniors. horizons.
It could well be that you are 60-plus, have Enhanced creativity and problem-
retired a couple of years ago, and are at that solving skills: As you explore diverse
stage in life where you and your spouse are experiences, your brain becomes more
still figuring out a routine that you enjoy. adaptable and flexible, leading to improved
With you as our focus, Seniors Today has creative thinking and problem-solving
created a bunch of inspiring and engaging abilities. Challenging yourself mentally
activities that you can incorporate creates new neural pathways. Applying
into your day, filling it with a sense of your mind to new challenges and
fulfillment and completion. overcoming obstacles strengthens your
Here is a list of fun and novel activities brain enabling you to recover and control
for you to try. These suggestions will add situations. Venturing into something new
excitement and variety to your everyday can give you confidence and self-esteem.
routine. Now is the time to make your life The process of trying new activities
more interesting than ever before. fosters self-awareness and self-