Page 7 - Seniorstoday May 2023 Issue
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discovery, allowing you to gain a 3. Learn a skill: Juggling, tightrope
deeper understanding of your strengths, walking, etc can add excitement to your
weaknesses, and preferences. Of course, physical abilities. Impress friends while
that’s probably not your goal, but hey – it’s improving balance and coordination.
a great byproduct. 4. Learn a magic trick: Impress your
Engaging in new experiences with friends and family by learning a magic
friends and family can forge stronger trick or two. Master the art of illusion
bonds and generate lasting memories. and sleight of hand, and enjoy the thrill of
Plus, it’s more fun to try new things with leaving people in awe.
friends. This can be a mood uplifter. 5. Learn pottery: Experience the
On your marks, get set and go. satisfaction of working with your hands
Here is our list of 30 unusual, fun, and and molding clay into functional or
creative ideas that will help you break free decorative pieces. Your creativity will be a
from the mundane. very fulfilling experience.
1. Explore your city: Take a trip to an 6. Create a “Meetup Group”: Expand
old forgotten temple, church, lake and/ your social circle and explore new interests
or beach. Discover the hidden gems and by joining a meetup group. Engage in
forgotten places in your city that you activities like hiking, board games, or
enjoyed as a kid. cooking classes while forging connections
2. Organise a treasure hunt with friends: with like-minded individuals.
Test your problem-solving skills and
teamwork by participating in a fun event. 7. Take an Improv Class: Unleash your
Crack the clues, solve puzzles, and beat the creativity and quick thinking by joining an
clock as you work together. improv class. Laugh, learn, and boost your
communication skills while stepping out of
your comfort zone.