Page 10 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 10
that open talk and experimentation are
vital. No one can automatically know what
pleases another, without communication.
Love does not make one a mind reader, but
instead, love means, trusting each other
enough, to ask openly and answer honestly.
Researchers William Masters and Virginia
Johnson say something very insightful in
this regard. They say, “Love and physical
desire wax and wane throughout a lifetime.
Communication is your lifeline in a This need not only be accepted, but even
conjugal relationship enjoyed, if partners communicate”.
Most married people lack the basic Clear, caring, complete and continuous
information about their spouses’ sexual communication
preferences. Our own informal survey of As a part of training in communication
70 wives found a myriad of 137 needs they we emphasise four essential qualities (four
wanted to share with their husbands. But, ‘C’s) that one needs to bear in mind.
as one woman told us, “It is difficult to Communication needs to be Clear, Caring,
know how to begin sharing it with him.” Complete and Continuous.
As relationship counsellors it is our Clear: Clear communication is the one
continuous endeavour to make couples talk that conveys correct messages. Hints
to each other openly about everything that and gestures should be complemented
matters to them. It is the first major lesson with adequate ‘verbal’ expression of your
we teach, even to those who come to us for feelings.
pre-marriage counselling. For everyone in Caring: You should communicate because
a conjugal relationship, and at every stage you care for yourself, the other and for the
of the relationship, communication is the relationship. Crass remarks, derisions,
life-line. taunts, abuses and sarcasm are uncaring
If you too wish to revitalise your sexual and toxic to any relationship. They do not
relationship, communication is critical. communicate, but end all possibilities of
It is not the quantity or quality of sexual communication and communion.
relations that makes or breaks a marriage, Complete: Incomplete communication
but rather the degree of the ‘fit’ between is as good as no communication, or a
partners’ sexual needs and priorities. Such miscommunication. It is only complete
mutuality comes only with communication. communication that helps. Abandoning
Another essential ingredient is the the communication halfway due to
commitment of time and energy for such frustration, shyness or other reservations is
communication, and then ‘doing’ what has detrimental to a relationship.
been shared with each other. Try to define Continuous: Communication should be a
for yourself and your spouse what your regular (on-going) feature in relationships
complaints and pleasures are. Many people and not occasional. A breakdown in
are uncomfortable and shy about making communication lines should preferably
specific requests, but we must emphasise never happen, but if it does happen, urgent