Page 11 - Seniorstoday May 2024 Issue
P. 11

efforts need to be made to re-establish            period does reduce the sexual desire in
         communication lines as soon as possible.           men and women, but the ‘hot passion’ is
                                                            replaced with a ‘warm companionship’, if
         Senior sex is qualitative                          the relationship has evolved and has been
         Women are invariably through with                  more ‘holistic’ from the beginning. Again,
         menopause in this period of life, and since        it cannot be stressed enough that both
         their oestrogen levels have fallen, they           men and women should strive as much as
         experience symptoms such as vaginal                humanly possible to maintain a lifestyle
         dryness, therefore taking much longer to           of appropriate exercise, healthy diet, and
         be aroused, with a resultant difficulty in         emotional well-being, so that they can not
         climaxing. Of course, artificial lubricants        only enjoy a longer and more healthy life
         can be used to easily counter this problem.        generally, but can enjoy physical intimacy,
         Post-menopausal abdominal weight gain              though qualitatively different, for a longer
         is common, and the skin shows signs                period in their relationship.
         of ageing. This could affect the esteem
         of those women who are focused on the               Ways to better your sex life as a senior:
         ‘outer beauty’ and thus affect their sexual         ● Base your relationship on more than
         life too. The ‘empty nest’ syndrome, with         each other’s body, and let sex be more than
         children having grown up and moved                biology i.e. a sharing and culmination of
         out or married with families of their own,        emotional intimacy.
         could leave the woman feeling a sense of            ● Access scientific and value-based
         loss with a resultant depression, if her life     sex education to help address all your
         has mainly revolved around child-rearing.         concerns related to sexual relating as
         This is when she needs gentle, loving             well as to remove misconceptions, if any,
         companionship with her spouse, and the            before engaging sexually. Refrain from
         reassurance that she is attractive to him as      pornography or taking advice from peers
         a person and loved dearly, and he wants           who dole out misinformation.
         nothing more than to grow old with her              ● Recognise the ‘love language’ of the
         just the way she is. Such a reassurance           other and make small ‘special’ gestures to
         could keep the passion alive, and sexual          show you care.
         encounters, though infrequent, could have           ●     Remain physically and emotionally
         the new found flavour of a relaxed intimate       fit, with a regular ‘fitness regime’, because
         touching which may or may not end up in           the lifestyle that keeps you generally
         intercourse.                                      healthy, is the same lifestyle that keeps you
          Men at this age may have problems with           sexually healthy.
         their prostrate glands and other age-related        ● Consciously plan ‘togetherness time’
         wear and tear of the body parts that affect       e.g. weekend getaways or dates.
         his sexual life. They also find it difficult        ● Whisper or SMS ‘sweet nothings’ to
         to maintain their erection long enough to         each other.
         complete the sexual act. However, this can          ● Dress to feel ‘sensual’ and attractive to
         now easily be countered with the use of           yourself and your partner.
         modern medications.                                 ● Celebrate ‘special’ moments, plan
          The reduction of testosterone during this        holidays together, and see family albums to

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