Page 10 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 10

a token and sat on the bench with the              on December 31 at around 4 pm he was
         other women, awaiting her turn. When               informed that on the 9 pm news bulletin,
         the Nursing Orderly called her number              the government planned to announce his
         she walked over and said she was the               promotion to the rank of Field Marshal.
         wife of Gen Manekshaw, IC 14’. The man              Silloo called us at the cottage to convey
         jumped out of his Chair and fetched the            the good news and we rushed over and
         Commandant who insisted she should have            helped them set up Army House for the tide
         called him. He would have made a house             of officers who were bound to drop by to
         visit. She, equally calmly, insisted she did       congratulate him. At 9 pm we sat down in
         not need to be fussed over!                        Sam’s bedroom with our drinks, listened
          It is a sad commentary that after the             to the announcement on Doordarshan
         historic victory of 1971, the government           and raised a toast. Jubilant officers began
         was slow to reward the architect of that           arriving soon after and the tide did not
         masterstroke. Mrs Gandhi wanted to make            abate. At around 10 pm Sam turned to
         Sam a Field Marshal but for months, her            Behram and said, ‘Off you go to the DSOI
         plans were thwarted by some of her senior          before Zenobia blames me for spoiling her
         Ministers and an entrenched bureaucracy.           New Year’s Eve!’ He would have none of
         Wrangling over each item went on for               our remonstrations, so we left. The mood at
         months until one day he slammed the                the Club was jubilant. At 11.30 Sam arrived
         phone on the Defence Secretary and said            with Silloo to thunderous applause. He was
         he would not discuss this any further! He          on the dance floor, celebrating and sharing
         wanted nothing! The outcome was that               this recognition with his officers.

                                                            Celebrating with his officers
                                                             With all the post-war issues settled, Sam
                                                            told Mrs Gandhi it was time for him to hang
                                                            up his boots. He wished to hand over the
                                                            reins to his successor, Gen GG Bewoor, on
                                                            January 15, Army Day. After the parade
                                                            in Delhi Cantonment, where for the first
                                                            time since Independence, the salute was
                                                            taken by an Indian Field Marshal, Sam
                                                            drove to Army HQ for the formal handing/
         Investiture ceremony at the Ashoka Hall, Rashtrapati
         Bhavan                                             taking over ceremony, inspected a Guard of

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