Page 11 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 11
Honour and drove to the MES Inspection saying his life was in no danger, maybe
Bungalow in Delhi Cantt. That’s where he the guards could be assigned to politicians
stayed there for about a month as finishing instead! To add insult to injury, when he
touches were still being put on Stavka. passed away, there was no representation
When Silloo said the house was ready, he from the government at his funeral. Senior
boarded an Indian Airlines flight and left Officers, posted at the Staff College in
Delhi without fanfare. Wellington, were asked to represent the
Army Chief. The masses that came to pay
their last respects more than compensated
this for this lapse. In life as in death, he was
surrounded by those who were his true
Till a day before he died, Sam had not lost
his sense of humour. The room was full of
specialists, consulting on his condition and
treatment when he turned to his daughter
and asked, ‘have the blighters left’. She
replied they were near the door, discussing
next steps. ‘I’m sure they are waiting for
me to leave first’ he said, referring to army
protocol where the senior-most officer
leaves first! No, Sam, you got that wrong,
actually none of us wanted you to leave at
The writers have published the book ‘Field
An unforgettable Field Marshal in the history of India Marshal Sam Manekshaw: The Man and
The bureaucrats had pegged his salary a His Times’. All the royalty earned from the
few hundred more than the pay of an Army book goes to The War Wounded and War
Chief. For the next 35 years, it remained Widows Associations of India -- charities
static without even DA increases as, very run by wounded officers and widows. The
conveniently, the ministry had forgotten to money reaches the intended beneficiaries
add the rank of Field Marshal to the grade and any books bought will contribute to
structure. He was given no office, no staff, these deserving causes. The War Wounded
no guards although a Field Marshal is a Association is chaired by Gen Vijay Oberoi
serving officer. It was only in 2007, shortly who lost his foot during the 1965 Operation
before he died, at the instance of President and by Gen Ian Cardozo who famously cut
Abdul Kalam, that the government paid off his own leg with his khukhri when it
him ‘past salary’ with a cost of living got mangled when he stepped on a mine.
adjustment. At that stage of his life, when The War Widows’ Association is run by
his wife was no more and he was confined Damyanti Tambay whose husband has
to the hospital, the government offered him been ‘missing in action’ since 1971 as is
staff and guards. He turned down the latter believed to be captive in a Pakistani jail.