Page 9 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 9

Sam’s most endearing quality was his              home, Stavka. Soon after the course began
         unique sense of humour. At our wedding,            we hosted a ‘bottle-and-dish’ party and
         just five minutes before the ceremony, he          invited all student officers and their wives
         turned to me and said: “Are you sure you           who liked to dance, to join us on a Saturday
         want to marry this fellow – you have five          evening. When Sam found out, he was
         minutes to change your mind!”                      upset that he wasn’t on our guest list! We
          After we were married, we lived in the            promptly corrected this lapse and Sam
         ADC’s cottage behind Army House. One               made a grand entry when the party was in
         Sunday, he invited himself to breakfast            full swing along with a young lady – Mrs
         and wanted to eat a Parsi ‘poro’ (omelette).       Manekshaw was in London. The next day,
         For a novice like me, that turned out to           he had the rumour mills in the College
         be a tall order for the oil spluttered and         churning, but in actual fact the young lady
         each omelette fragmented into pieces.              had just come by an inheritance and he was
         Sam quietly ate the portions I was able            guiding her with legal and financial advice.
         to salvage but while leaving he took               She was so overwhelmed that he thought
         Behram aside and joked, ‘send her back             this would be an ideal break for her!
         to her mother’s, she can’t even make an             When we were newly-weds living in the
         omelette!’  However, I was able to salvage         ADCs’ cottage, I used to work for IBM.
         my reputation some years later! In 1977,           One day, after a particularly gruelling day,
         when Behram was a student at the Staff             I came home at midnight. My colleague,
         College, his ‘syndicate’ (group) was asked to      a naval officer’s son, suggested I go late
         research the 1971 war. He went off to Stavka       the following day and offered to give me
         (the Field Marshal’s house) with a recorder        a ride; an offer I gladly accepted. The next
         to get the entire scoop. Sam balked because        morning a white naval staff car drove
         he hated mikes, ‘go put this damn thing            through the front gate of Army House and
         away and bring your wife instead!’ I took          stopped at our cottage. Sam, who was in his
         copious notes and was able to put together         shorts, tending the garden with the mali,
         a comprehensive document that passed               turned and stared. Not realising what this
         muster.                                            meant, I waved to him as I stepped into
                                                            the vehicle. The penny only dropped when
                                                            Behram told me that while going to work
                                                            that day the old man said to him: “I thought
                                                            Zenobia worked for IBM. You didn’t tell me
                                                            that she now works for Naval HQ!” I had
                                                            been told off for sure, a lesson I never forgot
                                                            although that was really not my doing!
                                                             Playing a supportive, but low-key role,
                                                            was his wife, Silloo. He often said that she
                                                            was his ardent fan and his greatest critic.
         A Gentleman before an Officer!                     Soon after he became Chief, one day, she
          In 1977, Behram was attending Staff               was a bit under the weather and drove
         College in Wellington and we’d been                herself in her private car to the Armed
         allotted a house, a stone’s throw from his         Forces Clinic on Dalhousie Road, took

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