Page 16 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 16


         Water for Life

         Water is the driving force of all nature, said Leonardo da Vinci. Indeed.
         Most of our body organs need water to survive, writes Dr Nandini Saini

        Water is the very essence of life. There is no      against conditions like arthritis.
        life without it. From the smallest organism         Keeps skin healthy: Being the largest
        to humans, all require water for survival.          organ of the body, the skin looks fresher,
          About 60 per cent of our body is made             brighter and healthier when you are well
        of water, and most organs need water to             hydrated. Water could also help stimulate
        function. Let’s see how useful it is:               collagen production, helping in skin
        Uses of water                                       Additional Benefits of drinking water:
        It regulates body temperature: Sweat                Helps in saliva production: It is the main
        produced by the body keeps it cool.                 component of saliva, along with enzymes.
        However, if you don’t replenish the lost            A good water intake ensures adequate
        water, you could get dehydrated. Keep               production of saliva, in turn helping in
        replacing the water you lose through                digestion.
        perspiration.                                       Aids digestion: Experts believe having
        Helps in eliminating toxins and waste               water before, during and after meals helps
        through perspiration, urine and bowel               in easier digestion.
        movements: Adequate water is required for           Helps absorption of nutrients: It helps
        your body to perform these functions.               breakdown of vitamins, minerals and other
        The kidneys make use of water to produce            nutrients, and aids in supplying them to
        urine. Similarly, water is needed for regular       the rest of the body.
        and comfortable bowel movements.                    It boosts energy: Drinking water is not
        It cushions as well as lubricates the joints        only refreshing, it’s also been known to
        in the body: A good water intake helps in           boost metabolism. A good metabolism, in
        lubricating the joints and spine, protecting        turn, means good energy levels.

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