Page 17 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 17

It prevents medical conditions: Drinking           intake.
         adequate quantities of water can shield            Over-hydration
         you from a lot of medical conditions, like         Contrary to belief, too much water can
         constipation, urinary tract infection, kidney      be harmful too. It can dilute the blood
         stones and dehydration.                            electrolytes, causing conditions such as
         Aids cognitive function: Proper hydration          hyponatremia (reduced sodium in the
         is necessary to maintain focus and                 blood).
         attention. Lack of it can cause confusion.          It is seen in children and athletes, who
         Improves oxygen circulation: It helps              consume large quantities of water in short
         circulate oxygen and other nutrients               intervals.
         throughout the body, keeping us overall             To prevent this, you should have water
         healthy.                                           mixed with electrolytes, so that the balance
         Helps in weight loss: Drinking a glass of          is maintained.
         water a half hour before meals will give you
         a feeling of satiety- small portions of food       How do you ensure that your water
         will satisfy you.                                  intake is adequate?
         Keeps brain function normal: As 75 per             Carry a water bottle with you, taking small
         cent of the brain is water, keeping yourself       sips throughout the day.
         hydrated helps the brain to function more           Keep track of your water intake, making
         efficiently. It keeps you alert and sharp.         sure you have at least the minimum
         Keeps the cardio vascular system healthy:          quantity your body requires.
         Water forms a large component of blood,             Remember, there are certain fruits and
         thus, lack of it affects the circulation.          vegetables that can also contribute to your
         Also, dehydration can cause an electrolyte         water intake- watermelon, spinach.
         imbalance in the body, leading to low blood         If potable water isn’t available, milk, tea or
         pressure.                                          coffee can also help.
                                                            Try being consistent- a few sips of water
                                                            throughout a day is better than large
                                                            quantities at large intervals.

         What happens when our water intake is
         Dehydration occurs when the water intake           Exactly how much water is enough for
         is less than the body’s requirement. It could      you?
         be due to habit, an illness or circumstances.      We’re generally advised to have about
         Signs include excessive thirst, fatigue, dry       8 glasses of water a day, as it is easy to
         mouth and throat, passing less urine.              remember, and drink. The actual quantities
         It can be treated by replenishing the water        can be a little different, depending on your

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #29 | NOVEMBER 2021                                                           17
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