Page 18 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 18

age and sex.                                       Medical conditions: Fever, vomiting and
          A male is advised to have about 3.7 litres        diarrhoea are certain medical conditions
         of liquid a day, about 3 litres of which is        that require additional water intake as part
         water; a woman is advised about 2.7 litres a       of the treatment.
         day, 2.2 of which is water.
          For kids, the quantity depends on their           Is there a best time to drink water?
         age-ranging from 5 to 11 cups, as age              There are a lot of opinions about when
         increases.                                         water should be drunk – from early
          Of course, this is an estimate. Some people       morning to bedtime, you’ll get to hear a lot
         are just fine with lesser quantities, while        of diverse advice.
         some, like athletes, require much more.            Early morning
                                                            A lot of people maintain that having a
                                                            glass or two of water early in the morning,
                                                            preferably warm water, is a great way
                                                            to begin a day. It rehydrates, helps in a
                                                            smooth bowel movement and helps you
                                                            keep hydrated through the day.
                                                            Before meals
                                                            A lot of dieticians recommend a glass of
         It would also depend on certain conditions:        water a half hour before meals, as part of
         Pregnancy and breast feeding:  A woman             the weight loss programme. It gives you a
         who is expecting or lactating, will need           feeling of satiety; you end up controlling
         between 10 and 13 cups.                            your meal portions.
         Climate: People living in areas with a hot         During and after exercise
         climate, or travelling through areas of            Have you noticed that your exercise
         excessive heat, require more water.                instructor gives you a minute break,
         Altitude: Generally, people living at higher       between exercises, to drink water? This
         altitudes (more than 8000 feet above sea           is because, when you exercise, the body
         level) require more water. This is because         loses water through sweat. If not replaced,
         the low humidity causes sweat to evaporate         it will lead to lethargy and muscle cramps,
         faster- you may not realise the amount of          hindering your exercise routine.
         water you’ve lost. Also, low oxygen levels         Added benefits of lime water
         cause higher rate of respiration, causing          There are times just water isn’t enough, you
         you to lose more water than usual.                 want a different taste. Try squeezing a few
         Exercise: Exercise, as everyone knows,             drops of lime into it. Lime water is a proven
         results in excessive perspiration and              health booster!
         elevated heart and respiration rates.               Containing Vitamin C, it helps boost
         Having less water if you’re exercising             immunity, aids faster recovery from
         strenuously, could cause dehydration.              diseases, may help in weight loss, and also
         Experts advise that one should have extra          tastes like heaven!
         half litre water two to three hours before          We all have ready excuses as to why our
         exercise, as well as about 250 ml extra,           water intake isn’t up to the mark…it’s time
         after.                                             we start taking the effort to drink up!

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