Page 22 - Seniorstoday November 2021 Issue
P. 22

due to increased risk for deficiency due            There’s a lot to love about tomatoes.
         to the food groups omitted from the diet.          Apart from their tangy sweetness, there’s
         Plant-based diets are recommended                  a very good reason why you should
         when they follow similar patterns                  increase your tomato intake. Lycopene,
         as described in the DASH and                       the pigment that gives tomatoes
         Mediterranean diets. High intake of                their distinct reddish hue, is also an
         plant-based diet  rich in healthier                antioxidant that strengthens cell walls,
         plant foods (that is, whole grains,                lowers LDL cholesterol, and can help
         fruits/vegetables, nuts/legumes,                   prevent the formation of blood clots.
         and olive/canola oil) are associated
         with substantially lower CHD risk as               2. Dark Chocolate
         compared with plant-based diets that
         emphasise less-healthy plant foods
         (refined grains, SSBs ( sugar – sweetened
         beverages), potatoes/fries, and sweets).

         An Emphasis Of Dietary Counselling
         Will Go A Long Way
         With the current obesity epidemic
         contributing to the slowed rate of
         improvement in CVD morbidity and
         mortality, dietary counseling has become           If you love dark chocolate, excellent
         increasingly important to improve                  news is ahead. You should know that the
         overall cardiovascular outcomes. There             flavanols in every bar can help improve
         is no “1-size-fits-all” diet, but with             blood pressure and ward off certain
         evidence –based nutritional guidance               types of heart disease. The flavanols in
         and personalized nutritional solutions,            dark chocolate stimulate nitric oxide
         you will attain and maintain heart                 production in the body. Nitric oxide
         health.                                            causes blood vessels to dilate, or widen,
          Let’s look at 21 foods that have been             which improves blood flow and lowers
         proven over time to promote heart                  your blood pressure.
         health:                                             The even better news is that studies
                                                            show that the beneficial effects of
          1. Tomatoes                                       dark chocolate on blood pressure
                                                            might be more significant in older
                                                            people and those with a higher risk of
                                                            cardiovascular disease. The key here
                                                            is dark chocolate since other overly
                                                            sweetened types of chocolate may not
                                                            contain the same flavanol levels.

                                                            3. Lentils & Legumes
                                                            Out of the countless ‘superfoods’ out

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