Page 32 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 32
Since I do not have the benefit of getting help in distributing the books but cannot
my books sold through a distribution guarantee sales. If an author is interested
network, I initially print 150 copies and in selling his books he has to relentlessly
order extra copies as and when I run out promote his book through every available
of copies. Some of my well-wishers even media and at every available opportunity.
order extra copies to gift them to their Even well-known authors have to do this
friends. The fact that I have a huge network when their books are released.
of friends through my association with Thanks to self-publishing and print-on-
several voluntary and professional bodies demand facility today every other writer
and my background as an ex-adman helps is able to become a published author. It is
in selling my books. also called `Vanity Publishing`. Today
I am very happy with the system I am Self-publishing or Vanity publishing is
following because I am completely in an accepted norm in the world of writers/
control of my book projects and know authors. It is also an ideal solution for those
exactly know where I stand with the sales who want to see their writings in book
at any point in time. The same cannot be form. They can print limited no of copies of
said about the experience of many of my their memoirs or any other book that they
friends who have used the services of a have written for free distribution. With
well-established self-publishing house the experience of publishing 12 books in
and even after two years they don`t know 13 years covering seven genres of writing I
where they stand in terms of the sales of have already helped 15 friends self-publish
their books. Most of them have not even their books. I will be happy to offer my
recovered 40% of the investment they services, pro bono, to anyone needing
made in self-publishing their books. It is a advice on self-publishing their books.
well-known fact that good publishers can My email address: