Page 28 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 28
Aged foods are usually high in sodium, and Make the environment comfortable
can cause fluid retention and hypertension. Make sure that your bedroom is
They also have certain amino acids that comfortable and conducive to sleep. The
stimulate the brain, possibly making it temperature shouldn’t be too hot or cold,
difficult to sleep. the lights should be dim. Avoid white noise
in the bedroom.
Sleep Hygiene Breathe deep
The habits that we cultivate and the routine Practicing certain breathing exercises
we follow to get a good night’s sleep is before bedtime can help relax the body and
called sleep hygiene. Some of the habits that make you sleepy.
work well are: Don’t force yourself
Sleep schedule Sleep only when your body signals that
Try to maintain a schedule of your sleeping it’s tired. Forcing yourself to sleep doesn’t
and wake up timings, and follow it on a help. It could just lead to anxiety about
daily basis. the sleeplessness, and leave you feeling
Don’t sleep in exhausted.
It’s very tempting to keep late hours over There are times when, once you get up,
weekends, stay up late, and wake up sleep evades, no matter what. Just get up
at leisure. Try not to make a habit of it. and engage in some activity that relaxes
The more you are consistent with your you. Read a book, listen to soothing music,
schedule, the better it will be for you. have glass of warm milk.
Short naps Avoid dependence on medication
Short naps in the afternoons are quite Try to avoid too much medication, it might
common, and to an extent, healthy. But as make you dependent on them and it could
far as possible, try to keep them short- 30 be harmful.
to 45 minutes. A long nap in the afternoons
often leads to sleepless nights. Medical intervention
Mind what you eat Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Avoid eating foods which cause insomnia This therapy helps you to identify and
or discomfort at night. Preferably, keep a rectify the problems, thoughts and
gap of about 2 hours between your dinner behaviour which could cause insomnia. It
and bedtime. Avoid alcoholic or caffeine also trains you to cultivate habits that could
based drinks before going to bed. counter these issues.
Physical activity Medication
Physical activity and exercise should At times, taking sleeping pills for a short
be done in the daytime. About 30 to 45 period of time, under supervision, could be
minutes of walk or swimming a day is the best treatment.
ideal, but try to keep a gap of about 3 hours Sleep is something we all compromise on-
between the exercise and your bedtime. for work, family, parties and get togethers.
While doing so occasionally is acceptable,
Control exposure to light making a habit of it is only going to harm
Avoid using gadgets which are backlit, like you in the long run. So remember to catch
an e book or a laptop, right before bedtime. your forty winks!