Page 30 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 30
Self-publishing or vanity publishing is now an accepted norm in the world of
authors. It is also an ideal solution for those who want to see their writings in
book form, writes RV Rajan
Publishers are generally not interested me to self-finance my autobiography and
in encouraging new writers unless they wanted Rs 1,00,000 for printing 1000
are celebrities or well known for their copies. He promised to give me 500 books
subject specialisation. Many of the famous to sell myself and on the balance that he
writers of today had to face rejection by sold through his distribution network, he
several publishers before their first book promised me a royalty.
got accepted. I had some experience with The concept of digital printing and print
this when I wanted to publish my first on demand was yet to make its appearance
book- my autobiography in 2009 which then. Being an impatient man I agreed to the
I wrote post retirement Two Chennai- terms and within six months the book was
based publishers were interested but ready featuring my cartoon by legendary
were not giving me a firm commitment. cartoonist R.K.Lakshman on the cover. I
In the meanwhile, my good friend had a dream launch of the book at a meeting
Srinivasamurthy of Productivity & Quality of the Rural Marketing Association of
Publishing, specialising in management India (of which I was a Founder President)
books offered to help me provided I where I was being given the Life Time
promised him a book on Rural Marketing Achievement Award by the association.
(my area of specialisation then) which The two-in-one function held in Chennai
he would publish. He however wanted with a packed audience consisting of