Page 31 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 31

friends and well-wishers was a resounding         experiments. By this time self-publishing,
         success. I sold 100 copies of the book on         digital printing, and print on demand were
         that day. Within the next two years not           becoming popular and I got introduced
         only I sold most of the copies I had through      to Mr Diwakar of Compuprint who is a
         aggressive marketing among my contacts            specialist in this area. I decided to use the
         but also received a handsome royalty from         services of Diwakar who not only prints my
         the publisher over a period of four years,        books but also publishes them. Needless to
         which was the net amount I earned out of          say that I self-finance them. He also gets the
         my effort in publishing my autobiography.         ISBN no. and uploads my books on Amazon
         My next book on Rural marketing sold              and handles the orders received. But he has
         about 2000 copies and I was happy with            no arrangement for distributing the books
         the good royalty I got from the publisher.        to book shops.  I, on my own, ensure the
         However, I lost money on my self-financed         sale of my books in a couple of book shops
         third book, the first collection of my essays,    in Chennai by directly contacting them.
         because I had printed more copies than              I am clear that I am publishing my books
         what I could sell through my contacts.            not to become a world famous author or
                                                           make big money through my books. I am
                                                           doing this because of the immense joy it
                                                           gives me every time I publish a new book
                                                           and it is favourably received by my readers
                                                           who are growing in numbers. Besides,
                                                           holding the first copy of every new book is
                                                           like holding your new baby. I market my
                                                           book shamelessly and promote it through
                                                           social and other media, which helps create
                                                           awareness about my book but does not
                                                           result in big sales. What gets me the result
                                                           is the direct marketing efforts to targeted

          Right from the beginning I had decided
        that I would try my hand at different genres
        of writing and realized that no publisher
        would be interested in supporting me in my

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #41 | NOVEMBER 2022                                                           31
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