Page 27 - Seniorstoday November 2022 Issue
P. 27
Physical – Diseases like arthritis, chronic mess with your body’s circadian rhythm.
obstructive lung disease, and angina Energy drinks
can keep you awake at night due to pain Energy drinks are often a combination of
or breathlessness. Certain neurological caffeine and sugar, both of which are not
diseases like Alzheimer’s can also conducive to good sleep.
cause insomnia. Hypothyroidism, sleep Sugary food
disorders like sleep apnea or narcolepsy all Food high in sugar leads to increased
contribute to this condition. glucose in the body, with increase in
Mental – insulin to counter the effects. This leads
Mood disorders like depression, anxiety to disturbed sleep, with increase in short
disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, periods of sleep.
and schizophrenia are known triggers of Celery
insomnia. Celery, or for that matter, any water rich
In fact, insomnia is one of the symptoms food, can act as a diuretic, which means you
of depression- about 80% of people with might need to get up frequently to relieve
depression will present with it. yourself, disturbing your sleep in the
How does it affect you? process.
Less sleep can affect multiple facets Fried food
of your life. Your cognitive functions Fried food is quite heavy, and can cause
become slower, the mind is foggy. Making reflux and a bloated tummy, especially if
decisions can become difficult. It might also had at night. It also takes longer to digest
aggravate any mental disorders you might and can cause trouble while sleeping.
have a pre disposition to, like depression Cakes and pastries
and anxiety. Often, it becomes a vicious Foods like cake, rich in sugar as well as fat,
cycle. can cause heaviness and reflux, especially
Foods that increase insomnia when one tries to sleep. The high glucose
Caffeine levels can also lead to increased insulin
The most common stimulant consumed, it’s levels and sleep disturbances.
usually had as coffee or tea, but it is found Tomatoes
in chocolates too. People usually have it Tomatoes, though very healthy are rich
to stay awake and alert, but having too in an amino acid called tyramine, which
much of caffeine can really upset your sleep triggers the brain to release hormones
cycles. that stimulate the brain activity, making it
Black tea difficult to relax and sleep soundly.
Black tea has about 2/3rd the amount of Spicy food
caffeine as coffee, and can keep you up well Spicy food can irritate the stomach lining,
into the night. causing reflux and nausea, especially when
Alcohol you’re lying down.
A lot of people consume alcohol to relax Salty food
themselves and invite sleep. However, Salty food causes an increase in blood
alcohol can actually do the reverse- it pressure, which in turn leads to other
disrupts the sleep cycle and pattern, complications, including sleep disorders.
eventually causing insomnia. It can also Aged/ cured foods