Page 6 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 6

Cover Story  - Health

         Love Life, Love Your Liver

         In India today, liver disease is a major public health concern. It is currently the tenth
         leading - and quickly ascending - cause of death in the country, writes Dr Chetan
         Ramesh Kalal

         Recently, a senior citizen of around 70            development and prosperity is at risk if the
         years came for a medical consultation.             citizens do not wake up to the health-care
         The gentleman was diabetic but otherwise           dangers that lurk in this upward journey.
         seemed fit. Upon clinical examination and          Rising incomes and societal changes
         prescribed tests, he was diagnosed with            come with their own health challenges
         both liver cirrhosis and a liver tumour.           - consumption of fast food, unhealthy
         Upon hearing his medical diagnosis, the            habits, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol
         patient was in a state of shock. Enquiries         consumption. These lifestyle changes may
         during the ensuing clinical interactions           lead one to obesity, diabetes, hypertension,
         revealed that the patient had been suffering       high cholesterol, liver disease, mental
         from fatty liver disease (FLD) for many            health issues and more. All of these are on
         years but had been informed by his general         the rise; some are detected and addressed,
         practitioner not to worry about FLD.               but the majority of them go unreported.
         Ignorance and negligence thus contributed           With this background, let me now address
         to the seriousness of FLD manifesting in its       the human body’s critical organ: the liver.
         present criticality.                               Know Your Liver
          India is celebrating Amrit Mahotsav of            The liver is the second largest organ of the
         its independence and is on the cusp of both        human body after the brain. It performs
         progress and development. We aim to                more than five hundred complex functions
         be a developed nation soon and no doubt            daily. The liver plays a key role in the
         we will reap the benefits of development           body’s metabolism, detoxification, and
         and prosperity. However, all progress,             protection against disease. It is known to

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