Page 9 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 9
highlighted in a recent UK guideline. The consumption. Alcohol can damage the
evidence-based advice in clinics should liver and lead to serious problems. If
thus be “complete abstinence” although you do drink alcohol, stop it completely.
this may not be acceptable or feasible for Second, eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet
patients due to socio-cultural reasons. includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains. Avoid processed foods and
Age and Liver Disease foods high in fat and sugar. Third, exercise
As population ages, the number of people regularly. Exercise helps to keep your body
with liver problems also surges. As we age, healthy in many ways, including improving
our bodies change in many ways. One of liver function. Fourth, get regular medical
those changes is that our liver functions check-ups. This will help your doctor
start to decline. This can lead to a number catch any problems early and treat them
of problems, including an increased risk before they become serious. Avoid over-
for liver disease. the-counter medications and don’t self-
There are many different types of liver medicate. If you take care of yourself, you
problems, ranging from mild to severe. can help keep your liver healthy as you age.
Common liver problems among the elderly Manage stress. Vaccinations can help to
include fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and protect against hepatitis and other diseases
cirrhosis. Hepatitis is an inflammation that can damage the liver. By following
of the liver that can be caused by a viral these simple tips, you can help to keep your
infection, alcohol abuse, or other factors. liver healthy and support its vital role in
Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver disease your health.
characterized by scarring and poor liver Ingrain a healthy lifestyle. You are your
function. Cirrhosis is a chronic liver best health supervisor. At the least make
disease that can lead to liver failure. There sure you get timely intervention. Like the
is no cure for cirrhosis, but early diagnosis 70 year old patient from the beginning
and treatment can improve the outcome. of this article. With treatment, he is now
cured of the liver tumor and is listed for a
You Are Responsible for Your Liver’s transplant.
Health Choose life, love your liver.
While many liver problems can be
effectively managed with medication
and lifestyle changes, some can lead to
serious complications and even death. It
is important for people who are at risk for
liver problems to be aware of the signs
and symptoms, and to seek medical help
as soon as possible. If you are an elderly
person with liver problems or are caring
for someone who is, there are some things
you can do to help manage the condition
and improve your quality of life.
First, avoid excessive alcohol