Page 8 - Seniorstoday October 2022 Issue
P. 8

          Drug Induced Liver Injury
          The prevalence of drug-induced liver
         injury (DILI) in India is not well known.
         A recent study found that DILI was
         the third most common cause of liver
         injury in a tertiary care hospital in North
         India. One of the most common causes
         of DILI in this study were paracetamol
         (acetaminophen). As recently as 2019,
         Giloy has been promoted to the public in
         India as an immune booster to prevent
         novel coronavirus. Recently, although in
         small number, it has been reported that
         Giloy use can manifest in the development
         of herb-induced liver injury (HILI) with           related mortality of unknown etiology may
         autoimmune features in some patients.              well be attributable to alcohol as patients
         DILI can be caused by a wide variety of            may withhold their history of alcohol
         drugs, both prescription and over-the-             use because of various socio-cultural and
         counter. The most common symptoms of               insurance-related issues.
         DILI are fatigue, nausea, and abdominal            Concomitant significant alcohol intake may
         pain. DILI can often be difficult to diagnose,     be present in well over 50% of patients with
         as it may mimic other liver disorders.             other liver diseases including Hepatitis
          If you suspect that you or a loved one has        C and NAFLD. It is speculated that the
         DILI, it is important to see a hepatologist        burden of Alcohol Liver Disease (ALD)-
         (liver specialist) for proper diagnosis and        related mortality is under-estimated by
         treatment. There is no specific treatment          almost two-fold because of these various
         for DILI. The best way to prevent DILI is to       factors. One also needs highlight the fact
         be aware of the signs and symptoms and to          that while there are partially evidence-
         avoid taking multiple medications. If you          based limits for “unsafe” daily or weekly
         must take multiple medications, be sure to         alcohol consumption, there is little evidence
         tell your doctor or pharmacist about all of        behind any proscribed “safe” limit.
         the medications you are taking.                    The apparent health benefits of small
                                                            quantities of alcohol has been much touted
         Alcohol and Liver Disease                          in the medical and non-medical literature.
         Alcohol consumption is one of the                  But strong evidence to the contrary has
         commonest causes of cirrhosis after fatty          emerged from the Global Burden of
         liver disease. Almost 20% of all liver             Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study
         disease patients (irrespective of etiology)        (GBD). There are no safe limits for alcohol
         are current alcohol consumers. Thus,               as the estimated beneficial effects on cardiac
         alcohol amounts for a significant part of          disease strongly off-set other health hazards
         the liver disease burden across the world.         particularly cancer. This notion of “no safe
         Further, a significant proportion of liver-        limit of alcohol consumption” has been

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