Page 22 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 22


         Senior Self-Care

         Self-care, self-love, self, is the spoken word. Everyone’s been talking about
         this lately, and for good reason, writes Vinita Alvares Fernandes

         Self-care, self-love, self, is the spoken word.     That’s when self care enters the chat.
         Everyone’s been talking about this lately,         Mind and body wellness is so important!
         and for good reason.                                What is self care and why is it so
          We all know that ‘Life’ doesn’t always            important for your health?
         happen as planned, and as we experience             Let’s clear up one common misconception,
         life, we also learn that acceptance of what        Self care is not to be mistaken with self
         comes your way, does indeed help you heal          indulgence or being selfish.
         faster from the brickbats.                          Self care is looking after your physical
          As said, bumps on the road every now              and emotional well-being, enabling you
         and then, a few challenges that might              to maintain good health, fulfill your
         seem a bit difficult to handle and take a          responsibilities, support others and
         toll on you emotionally are a necessary            achieve your daily, weekly, monthly and
         ingredient to show you are alive, as even          yearly goals. It is all the steps you take to
         a straight line on an ECG, does indicate           manage life’s stressors and prioritise your
         death, a reflection that ups and downs are         overall personal health.
         necessary to keep us alive and ticking.             Self care isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept;
          When you feel physically and emotionally          what works for one person may not work
         at your best, it’s easier to deal with life in a   for another. It’s a highly individualised
         healthy and productive way. It’s the daily         approach, recognising that people have
         self care habits that you inculcate into           unique needs.
         your routine that will tide you through the         In our fast-paced, technology-driven
         challenging times.                                 world, self care is crucial for coping with

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