Page 25 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 25

in your life. It’s about understanding             Alone time and self reflection-
         your feelings, seeking counselling when            Taking time off to relax, whether it’s taking
         necessary to enhance your emotional                a day off work, creating personal space at
         and physical well being, and preventing            home or being alone and indulging in a
         burnout by addressing challenges and               hobby, is crucial for emotional well being
         stressors.                                         and should be incorporated into every self
                                                            care regimen.

       Image credit: CN Traveler

                                                            Putting it all together- How to establish a
                                                            self care routine
         Taking breaks-                                     • Beginning a self care routine doesn’t have
         Taking breaks to relax and recharge your           to be overwhelming.
         brain is important to function properly,           • Start by identifying activities that bring
         especially if your mind tends to wander            you joy and rejuvenate you. Make a list.
         frequently. Consider technology breaks             • Pinpoint a single behaviour you’d like
         and activities like doodling, nature walks,        to include in your routine for the week,
         or brief naps for mental rest.                     gradually increasing its frequency.
                                                            • Monitor your well being and consider
         Mindful awareness-                                 adding more practices over time.
         Understanding your emotions is                     • Seek support from loved ones, a coach,
         challenging when their meaning is                  licensed professionals, or available
         unclear. Dedicate time to embrace your             resources like your healthcare plan or
         feelings, facilitating the recognition of          workplace.
         your unmet emotional needs. Meditation,            • Simple self care activities like journaling,
         journaling and confiding in trusted                meditating, reflecting and showing
         individuals can help with your self care           gratitude, taking up a hobby or listening
         journey.                                           to music before bed to unwind can make a
                                                            huge difference to your overall health.
         Companionship and affection-                       • Self care varies from person to person. As
         Each person’s social needs vary based              you evaluate your personal needs, you’ll
         on your personality and circumstances.             probably tweak your self care activities as
         Fulfilling these needs can involve                 well.
         spending time with friends, making new             • Sometimes, self care is as simple as doing
         connections and considering the type of            more of that which brings peace and joy to
         interaction that aligns with your emotional        your soul.
         state. Affection and emotional support are         • Just remember, at the end of the day, you
         essential.                                         know what’s best for you.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            25
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