Page 24 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 24

your well being. Taking care of you from          emotional health. In other words, you
         the inside out is one of the highest forms of     should think about what invigorates your
         self care.                                        mind, maintains your cognitive sharpness
                                                           and keeps you sane.
         Good nutrition extends beyond food                Reducing stress-
         choices; it also involves mindful eating          The level of stress you experience can
         habits. While a balanced diet is crucial          substantially affect your mental health. To
         for your overall health, the way you              begin addressing this, start by examining
         eat matters too. Rushing through your             the sources of your current stress. Evaluate
         meals, eating while you’re distracted, or         how you’re coping with these stressors,
         waiting until extreme hunger strikes can          figure out effective ways to eliminate them
         undermine your well being. Mindful eating         and what best you can add to your life to
         and intuitive eating are two approaches           limit the effect these stressors have on your
         that promote satisfaction with food and           life.
         allow you to enjoy a variety of foods
         in moderation without unnecessary
         restrictions or stress.

         Experts advise 150 minutes of weekly
         exercise for capable adults, emphasising
         the importance of enjoyable activities to
         enhance adherence and self care. Tailoring
         your exercise choices to your preferences          Personal growth and boundaries-
         and opting for enjoyable alternatives              Establishing firm boundaries is essential
         can make your fitness routines more                to manage your stress and carve out
         appealing.                                         time to take care of yourself. These
                                                            boundaries may involve declining
         Physical intimacy-                                 unwanted commitments, refraining from
         Intimacy is commonly equated with sex,             volunteering for extra tasks and openly
         but other forms of physical contact are            communicating you need time to do what
         crucial for you as well. Physical touch is a       you want. Self care also encompasses
         fundamental human need to feel connected           your personal growth, which contributes
         with other humans. Consider activities             to a more genuine and fulfilling life by
         like massages, hugging your loved ones,            fortifying your self-identity and enriching
         finding a cuddle partner, sex, playing with        your existing relationships.
         a pet, holding someone’s hand or playing           Understanding your unique needs is
         with animals.                                      pivotal to self care.

         Mental and emotional self care-                    Taking care of your emotional needs-
         Mental needs refer to your cognitive               Emotional self care involves recognizing
         needs and maintaining your mental and              that your emotions can signal unmet needs

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