Page 23 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 23

everyday stresses, including work-related          emotional needs and well being.
         pressures and the relentless pace of                • Physical self care- taking care of your
         modern life. Many people feel increasingly         physical health.
         isolated and struggle to relax, which can           • Spiritual self care- not everyone
         lead to heightened anxiety and a sense of          practises spiritual self care but if you are a
         overwhelm. Identifying and addressing              spiritual person, connecting with a higher
         unmet personal needs is a fundamental              power can bring you calmness and joy.
         aspect of self care. It involves taking
         deliberate steps to focus on both your             Start by taking stock of your physical
         physical and emotional well being, tailored        needs-
         to your specific requirements.                      Physical self care encompasses
          Building a personalised self care routine         everything that keeps your body
         will require some effort, but the investment       functioning at its best. When addressing
         pays off in the long run. It’s a vital strategy    physical self care, take time to pinpoint
         to maintain overall health and well being          your specific needs and take stock of what
         and recognising that self care is as unique        measures you need to employ to fulfill
         as the individuals who practise it.                them. If you identify your areas that need
          A few things you should keep in mind              improvement, focus on those aspects in
         coming up with a self care plan-                   your self care strategy.
         • Do I see myself using this approach?
         Your self care plan has to be doable and           Sleep-
         beneficial.                                        Typically, adults require approximately 7
         • Are you financially able to support your         to 9 hours of sleep per night. Consistently
         self care goals?                                   falling short of getting enough sleep can
         • Don’t burn yourself out by overdoing self        have adverse effects on your mood, ability
         care- It should be relaxing, not stressful.        to focus and overall well being. It’s quite
         • Make sure you practise self care regularly       common to not meet your recommended
         be consistent.                                     sleep quota due to unexpected
         • Take a look at your past- what relaxing          circumstances but making an active effort
         self care activities have previously worked        to get enough sleep can tremendously help
         for you.                                           your physical well being.

         Types of self care-                                Healthcare-
         • Emotional self care- taking care of your         Effective self care means overcoming the
                                                            reluctance to visit a doctor and address
                                                            any health concerns. If you feel generally
                                                            well, it often raises the question of- do I
                                                            really need an annual check up?  However,
                                                            routine visits to a healthcare provider are
                                                            essential for detecting and addressing
                                                            health issues early on and preventing them
                                                            from becoming severe. Neglected health
                                                            problems can worsen over time and impact

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