Page 26 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 26


         Exercise programming for                                                                            Image credit – Hindustan Times

         the body and brain

         Dr Binal Dave rationales the tremendous significance of exercise on our

         Physical activity isn’t just significant           substantial release of brain chemicals, all
         for your body’s wellbeing; its practice            of which take part in supporting and giving
         underpins our minds in remaining sharp.            a feeding climate to the development of
         We as a whole realise practising any               synaptic efficacy, neuronal connectivity
         movement, at any age is great for the body.        and neuroplasticity.
         Yet, did you realise every time you work            Exercise promotes the mind’s flexibility
         out you strengthen your brain cells? The           by invigourating development of new
         advantages of exercise, particularly high-         associations between cells, significantly
         impact workouts, emphatically affect               in the cerebral cortex.  Studies at UCLA
         cerebrum capability on different fronts,           exhibited that exercise expanded
         extending from the atomic to social level. As      development factors in the cerebrum —
         indicated by a review done by the Branch of        making it more straightforward for the
         Activity Science at the College of Georgia,        mind to develop new neural associations.*
         even a twenty minute exercise routine              *(In research with rodents (rats and mice),
         boosts the brain’s data handling and               there’s evidence that exercise increases
         memory capabilities.                               the blood supply to their brains and
          Exercise in all its diverse forms, influences     promotes the growth of new neurons (adult
         the mind on various levels. It increments          neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, a brain
         our pulse rate, which siphons more                 area that is essential for learning and
         oxygen to the mind. It likewise helps in the       memory.)

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