Page 32 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 32


         Eat Healthy,

         Stay Healthy

         The path to a longer, healthier life begins on your plate, writes Dr Nandini Saini

         Eating healthy food is essential for your
         longevity and not everything that is healthy
         has to be expensive. Although many
         assume a healthy diet is cost-prohibitive,
         when in fact it’ll help save money in the
         long run. With a series of small changes
         in your diet, your savings on healthcare
         alone will be well worth making the
         switch, though your grocery bills will be
         significantly lower too.                           like it needs to be said, but there is simply
          Given below is a list of healthy ingredients      no way to put enough emphasis on the
         you might consider adding to your regular          importance of water for all bodily functions
         diet. Not only will they save you money and        to be carried out on a cellular level. It is
         drastically improve your quality of life, but      recommended to drink at least 1.5 litres of
         they can also be delicious too!                    water per day in order to function optimally
                                                            and feel your best. Dehydration puts you
         Here is list of 50 ingredients                     at risk for a whole host of problems, and
         1. Water                                           too much water risks flooding your brain,
         Benefit: Provides essential hydration              so sticking well below four liters, unless
         This one is so obvious it might not seem           you’re an Olympic athlete, is probably best.

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