Page 34 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 34

cognitive capacities. In fact, if you are          contains hundreds of tiny, edible seeds.
         feeling low on energy, eat half an avocado         Pomegranates are hailed as a superfood
         with olive oil and lemon and fill up on            because of the many health benefits they
         energy.                                            hold. With one in five people showing
                                                            an elevated level of bad cholesterol, it’s
         7. Blackberries                                    important to not become another statistic.
                                                            Studies have shown that pomegranates
                                                            help to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in
                                                            the blood, and are a whole lot cheaper than
                                                            repeat visits to the doctor, and prescription

                                                            9. Kiwi

         Benefit: Boost your immune system
         Your immune system is the only protection
         you have between your environment and
         a whole host of nasty diseases. To protect
         yourself against them, it is essential to
         eat blackberries and other antioxidant-
         rich fruits because they have the ability
         to help your body defend itself. This
         tiny-but-mighty berry is also a powerful           Benefit: Natural anti-ageing effects
         anti-inflammatory agent. Consuming it              Kiwi fruit has the power to boost our
         regularly can help you fight against the           immune system while preventing certain
         various inflammations that your body               diseases. It is so high in Vitamin C
         may face and more particularly helps cure          that one is enough to cover 85% of the
         ailments of the upper respiratory tract.           recommended dietary intake. That’s not
                                                            all, this delicious fruit is rich in another
         8. Pomegranates                                    type of vitamin; Vitamin E which is a
                                                            natural antioxidant that promotes immune
                                                            health. Studies have shown that an
                                                            adequate intake of Vitamin C is associated
                                                            with a decrease in the severity of
                                                            symptoms of several conditions, including
                                                            osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and
                                                            asthma. So don’t wait any longer to make
                                                            yourself a colourful, crunchy kiwi salad.

         Benefit: Anti-Cholesterol                          10. Passion Fruit
         The pomegranate is a bright red fruit              Benefit: Rich in vitamins
         that looks simple on the outside, but              Passion Fruit, with its tantalising

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