Page 33 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 33

2. Milk

                                                            5. Jamun (Black Plum): This Indian fruit
         Benefit: Promotes bone growth                      is low in calories and high in antioxidants,
         While not everyone can consume milk                aiding in digestion and diabetes
         due to lactose intolerance or other dietary        management.
         restrictions, dairy products like cow’s milk
         can make excellent sources of protein,
         packing eight grams per serving at a low
         calorie count. It also has high levels of
         calcium and other minerals which are
         difficult to get elsewhere, which makes
         sense considering it is designed to nourish
         baby cows and help them grow big and
         strong. In humans, drinking milk is shown
         to contribute to healthy bones and teeth.
                                                           6. Avocados
         3. Mango: Known as the ‘King of Fruits’,
         mangoes come in various varieties and are
         sweet, juicy, and rich in vitamins A and C.
         They are a summer favourite in India.

                                                           Benefit: High in antioxidants, fiber
                                                           Avocados are high in natural antioxidants,
                                                           which could lower the oxidative stress
                                                           present in the body. They are also rich in
         4. Guava: Guavas have a sweet-tangy               Vitamin E, which overall helps your skin
         flavour and are rich in Vitamin C and             health. Moreover, the avocado also contains
         dietary fibre, aiding digestion and boosting      Vitamin B5 which has many benefits such
         immunity.                                         as a decrease in tiredness while boosting

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            33
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