Page 37 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 37

Coconut is an exotic fruit that can be
         found in many different forms: whole,
         in pieces, grated, in milk, in water, and
         even in cream. While people love how it
         instantly transports them to a tropical
         location, it also packs plenty of health
         benefits. Coconut has a high concentration
         of minerals, fibres, and trace elements
         that stimulate intestinal transport and
         give a satiety effect. It is recommended
         to moderate the consumption of coconut             fleshed fruit might not be everyone’s
         because of its high-fat content.                   favorite taste, but it has health properties
                                                            that’ll have you running to the store to buy
         17. Fig                                            those very specifically-shaped grapefruit
                                                            spoons. Grapefruit is full of very powerful
                                                            antioxidants which help prevent the onset
                                                            of cardiovascular diseases. They can also
                                                            play a role in regulating your blood sugar
                                                            levels, even contributing to weight loss in
                                                            people with diabetes, unlike other citrus
                                                            fruits like oranges which will spike your
                                                            blood sugar.

                                                            19. Lemons

         Benefit: Reduces the risk of cancer
         Figs are an unusual fruit, with a rare
         symbiotic relationship with the bugs that
         feast on the tree and use it for shelter. This
         crunchy, chewy, sickly sweet fruit also
         happens ot be packing a ton of nutrients.
         The fig is rich in trace elements but also in
         minerals such as potassium, copper, and
         iron, it is also a rich source of B vitamins.
         All these qualities could reduce the risk of
         cardiovascular diseases and the instance of        Benefit: Increases ability to absorb iron
         cancer.                                            Lemons are an incredibly versatile fruit–
                                                            while they are too bitter to be enjoyed alone
         18. Grapefruit                                     their bright acidity livens up a wide variety
         Benefit: Protects against cardiovascular           of dishes, from salads to pastas. When you
         disease                                            realize how healthy they are, you’ll want
         Grapefruit is the unsung hero of the               to add a splash of lemon to everything you
         breakfast table. The bitter, ruby red-             eat. Lemons are a citrus fruit that has a

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #52 | OCTOBER 2023                                                            37
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