Page 36 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 36

won’t cause an energy spike that leads to an
                                                            inevitable crash.

                                                            15. Cherries

         and to potentiate the anti-cancer properties
         of other fruits and vegetables, increasing
         their concentration in the blood. While
         they are high in natural sugars, they make
         an excellent dessert or healthy snack when
         you’re feeling low in blood sugar, as their
         fructose is easily absorbed by the body. If
         you feel a cold coming on, it’s a smart idea
         to reach for an orange instead of one of           Benefit: Improves sleep quality
         those expensive, heavily-marketed Vitamin          Cherries might be one of the more fun
         C cocktails.                                       fruits to eat, but did you know it also packs
                                                            powerful health properties? Not only does
         14. Raspberry                                      it lower bad cholesterol levels, protecting
                                                            against heart disease, but drinking cherry
                                                            juice also has a whole host of benefits.
                                                            Studies show drinking cherry juice can
                                                            help reduce muscle soreness after a hard
                                                            workout. They’re also relatively high in
                                                            Vitamin C, helping to prevent infection,
                                                            and are full of naturally occurring
                                                            melatonin, to help you get a good night’s

         Benefit: Anti-carcinogenic properties              16. Coconut
         Along with other members of the berry              Benefit: Promotes satiety
         family, raspberries are considered one of
         the healthiest fruits in the produce aisle.
         Boasting powerful anti-cancer properties,
         raspberries are rich in polyphenols
         much like their cousin’s blackberries and
         blueberries. Eaten by the handful or tossed
         on top of yogurt or cereal, raspberries make
         a great addition to any diet. They’re also
         lower in sugar than other fruits, so they

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