Page 44 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 44

40. Red Cabbage                                    spices in Indian cuisine. Lately, it has
                                                            also become quite popular in America for
                                                            its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
                                                            properties. This spice is easily found
                                                            in supermarkets and even online. Not
                                                            only can versatile turmeric lend itself to
                                                            many different recipes, but it’s also one
                                                            of the more affordable spices in the spice
                                                            aisle. Ironically, although it is an anti-
                                                            inflammatory, turmeric can cause bloating
                                                            if consumed in large quantities. If you are
                                                            considering including it in your diet, be
                                                            sure to consume it in moderation!

         Benefit: Packed with nutrients                     42. Dark Chocolate
         With a very cheap price, fresh cabbage
         is one of those foods that can be easily
         incorporated into everyone’s diet. The
         vegetable has an impressive nutrient
         profile, and it is known to help calm down
         inflammation and improve digestion.
         Cabbage is packed with Vitamin C which
         plays an important role in bodily functions.
         Apart from this, red cabbage contains
         anthocyanins which give the vegetable its
         vibrant purple color. Numerous studies
         have shown that foods rich in this pigment
         can reduce the risk of heart disease, which        Benefit: Heart health, anti-ageing
         is why cabbage is also good for the heart.         When the cocoa content exceeds 70%,
                                                            chocolate becomes a health food rather
        41. Turmeric                                        than a dessert. First of all, cocoa powder
                                                            is extremely rich in antioxidants and
                                                            helps our body fight against cell aging and
                                                            inflammation. In addition, dark chocolate is
                                                            highly involved in covering our daily needs
                                                            in potassium, an electrolyte important for
                                                            kidney function. Dark chocolate is also
                                                            considered good for the heart, as it has a
                                                            protective and preventive effect against
                                                            cardiovascular diseases. According to
         Benefit: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant         studies, this is due to the presence of
         properties                                         flavonoids that have an anti-inflammatory
         Turmeric is one of the most essential              effect and have the ability to improve

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