Page 24 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 24

function, electrolytes, or renal function:         ● Iron supplements: Doctors prescribe
         These include uremia, hypercalcemia, and           these to treat iron deficiency anemia.
         ● Inflammatory diseases, such as                   Irritable bowel syndrome - C
         diverticular disease or proctitis                  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a
         ● Intestinal obstructions, including               common digestive disorder affecting 7-21%
         anorectal blockage and tumors                      of the general population. IBS-C is a type
         ● Anatomical problems of the digestive             of IBS in which abdominal discomfort or
         tract                                              bloating happens with constipation. A
         ● Colorectal problems                              person with IBS – c may experience:
         ● Some health conditions that affect the           ● abdominal pain
         colon can impede and restrict the passage of       ● bloating
         stool, leading to constipation, such as            ● distension
         ● cancerous tumors, a hernia, scar tissue,         ● changes in the frequency or consistency
         diverticulitis                                     of stools
         ● colorectal stricture, which is an abnormal        With IBS, constipation can fluctuate over
         narrowing of the colon or rectum                   time. When constipation is absent, there
         ● inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)                 may instead be loose stools or diarrhea.
         ● Intestinal blockage: This can occur if           Overuse of laxatives
         a tumor blocks or squeezes part of the              Worried about their bowel movements,
         digestive system.                                  some people take laxatives to get regular
         ● Conditions that affect the digestive             stools. Laxatives can help with bowel
         system: Constipation can occur with celiac         movements, but regular use of certain
         disease, IBD, and other inflammatory               laxatives allows the body to get used to
         conditions.                                        their action, causing a person to continue
                                                            taking laxatives when they no longer need
         Some medications                                   them. The person may also need higher
         ● Some medications can also increase the           doses to get the same effect.
         risk of constipation. These include:                This means that the more a person
         ● pain relief drugs: including codeine,            depends on laxatives, the greater their risk
         oxycodone and hydromorphone                        of constipation when they stop using them.
         ● antidepressants: such as amitriptyline
         and imipramine                                     Not drinking enough water
         ● Certain anticonvulsants: Examples                The large intestine soaks up water from
         include phenytoin  and carbamazepine               your food waste. If you don’t have enough
         ● Calcium channel blockers: These are              water in the body, you have hard stools
         antihypertensives, including diltiazem and         that are difficult to pass. It is important
         nifedipine.                                        to note that some liquids can increase the
         ● Antacids that contain aluminum and               risk of dehydration and make constipation
         calcium.                                           worse for some people. For example, those
         ● Diuretics: These remove excess                   who are prone to constipation should limit
         fluid from the body. They include                  their intake of caffeinated sodas, coffee, and
         hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide.                alcohol.

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