Page 26 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 26

the colon to hydrate the stool and ease            ● legumes, such as lentils, black beans,
         movement. Saline laxatives are a type of           kidney beans, soybeans, and chickpeas
         osmotic.                                           ● fruits, such as berries, apples with the
         ● Neuromuscular agents: These include              skin on, oranges, and pears
         opioid antagonists and 5-HT4 agonists.             ● vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli,
         They work at specific receptors to regulate        green peas, and collard greens
         movement through the gut.                          ● nuts, such as almonds, peanuts, and
         Natural remedies                                   At the same time, eat fewer foods with low
                                                            amounts of fibre such as
                                                            ● chips
                                                            ● fast food
                                                            ● meat
                                                            ● prepared foods, such as some frozen
                                                            meals and snack foods
                                                            ● processed foods, such as hot dogs or some
                                                            microwavable dinners

         Some methods of easing constipation                Drinking water
         without using medication include:                  Water can help rehydrate the body and
         DIETARY CHANGES                                    prevent constipation. Other liquids, such
         Increasing fibre intake                            as naturally sweetened fruit and vegetable
         Adults should eat about 25–31 grams of             juices and clear soups, also help the
         fibre every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables,      fibrework well.
         as well as fortified cereals, have a high fibre     Stop taking certain medicines or dietary
         content. Include plenty of high-fibre foods        supplements
         in your diet, including beans, vegetables,          If you have observed that certain
         fruits, whole grain cereals and bran.              medicines or dietary supplements are
         People with a high intake of dietary fibre         causing your constipation, talk with
         are less likely to experience constipation.        your doctor. They may change the dose
         Adding fiber-containing bulking agents to          or suggest a different medicine that does
         meals can help soften stools and make them         not cause constipation. Don’t, however,
         easier to pass. One option is to sprinkle a        change or stop any medicine or supplement
         tablespoon of wheat bran onto breakfast            without talking with a healthcare
         cereals or add it to a yogurt or smoothie.         professional.
         Talk with a healthcare professional, such           Include Essential Fatty Acids in your
         as a dietitian, to plan meals with the right       meals
         amount of fibre for you. Be sure to add fibre       Healthy fats have the ability to relieve
         to your diet a little at a time so your body       constipation because their natural oils
         gets used to the change.                           provide lubrication to your digestive tract,
         Good sources of fibre are                          helping the stool to pass through your colon
         ● whole grains, such as whole wheat bread          much easier.
         and pasta, oatmeal, and bran flake cereals          Essential fatty acids, especially omega

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