Page 25 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 25

Medical conditions                                 Rectal bleeding after straining
         Outlet dysfunction constipation - This is          Anal fissure, which is a small tear around
         a defect in the coordination of your pelvic        the anus
         floor muscles. These muscles support               Symptomatic hemorrhoids (piles), which
         the organs within your pelvis and lower            are swollen, inflamed blood vessels in the
         abdomen. They’re needed to help release            anus
         poop.                                              Fecal impaction - (Stool that can’t be
          Obstructed defecation syndrome -                  expelled) which occurs when dried stool
         Complex or unexplained causes may be               stagnates and collects in the rectum and
         preventing you from pooping normally.              anus, potentially leading to a mechanical
         Intestinal pseudo-obstruction - Sometimes,         obstruction
         the motor system in your colon can become          Rectal prolapse - Straining to have a bowel
         temporarily paralyzed (as in paralytic ileus       movement can cause a small amount of the
         or Ogilvie syndrome).                              rectum to stretch and protrude from the
          Lazy bowel syndrome - This is when your           anus.
         colon contracts poorly and retains poop.            Other possible complications include a
         The main symptoms of constipation are:             reduced quality of life and depression.
         ● Passing fewer than three stools a week
         ● Difficulty passing stool                         Treatment
         ● Straining when passing stool                     Constipation usually resolves itself without
         ● passing less stool than usual                    the need for prescription treatment.
         ● lumpy, dry, or hard stool                        1. Laxatives
         ● A sensation of blockage in your rectum           They help relieve symptoms in the short-
         that prevents bowel movements.                     term, but should be used cautiously and
         ● Feeling as though you can’t completely           only when making lifestyle changes has not
         empty the stool from your rectum.                  helped. This is because some laxatives can
         ●Needing help to empty your rectum,                have severe adverse effects.
         such as using your hands to press on your          Some laxatives are available over the
         abdomen and using a finger to remove stool         counter, while others are available with a
         from your rectum.                                  prescription.
                                                            ● The following are some laxatives
         Other symptoms include:                            and stool softeners that may help ease
         ● pain and cramping in the abdomen                 constipation:
         ● feeling bloated                                  ● Fibre supplements: Also known as bulk-
         ● nausea                                           forming laxatives, these may be the safest
         ●a loss of appetite                                option. They should be taken with plenty of
          Constipation may be considered chronic            water.
         if you’ve experienced two or more of these         ● Stimulants: These cause the muscles in
         symptoms for the last three months.                the intestines to contract rhythmically.
                                                            ● Lubricants: These help the stool move
         Complications of chronic constipation              smoothly through the colon.
         Damage that can arise as a result of severe        ● Stool softeners: These moisten the stool.
         constipation includes:                             ● Osmotics: These draw water into

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