Page 27 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 27

3s, must be regularly added to your diet           is why adding lemon juice to your water
         because the body can’t produce them on its         can be helpful for promoting intestinal
         own.                                               peristalsis, improving digestion and
          One of the highest food sources of omega          encouraging regular bowel movements.
         3 essential fatty acids is fish oil, which you
         can take as a nutritional supplement or            LIFESTYLE CHANGES
         eat at meals. If you’re vegan, you can get         Getting regular exercise - this can help
         essential fatty acids from flaxseed.               make bodily processes more regular,
                                                            including the passing of stools. It doesn’t
         Chew Your Food                                     matter what kind of exercise you do,
         When you don’t chew your food properly, it         although aerobic exercise is the most
         makes its way through your digestive tract         effective way to shake things up. Even a
         in large pieces, which creates extra work for      brisk walk or taking the stairs instead of
         your body to break down and eliminate.             the elevator counts.
         Poorly chewed food may prevent you from             If you’re low on time, consider creating a
         having healthy bowel movements.                    walking club at work. Gather a group of co-
          It’s easy to forget to chew your food             workers to go on a 20-minute walk during
         properly when you’re on the go, and rush           your lunch break.
         just to get some food into your mouth. But          Let Go of Emotional Baggage - each health
         spending a few extra seconds with each bite        symptom has an underlying emotional, or
         goes a long way when it comes to efficient         psycho-spiritual, component.
                                                            Establishing a routine - Have a usual
         Drink Lemon Water                                  place and time of day to visit the bathroom
         Not only does having a glass of lemon water        without forcing a stool. Some other habits
         on an empty stomach increase your daily            you can cultivate to aid your tummy are-
         water intake, but it also helps increase           Eating your meals around the same time
         the release of hydrochloric acid in your           every day.
         stomach.                                            Going to sleep at the same time every night
          Hydrochloric acid (or HCl) is the digestive       and waking up at the same time each day,
         juice that your body secretes to break down        aiming for at least eight hours of sleep each
         food and prepare it for digestion, which           night.
                                                             Drinking a glass of water right after you
                                                            wake up.
                                                             Avoiding holding in stools - Do not
                                                            ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.
                                                            Responding to the body’s urges to pass
                                                            stools can help prevent constipation.
                                                            Elevating the feet - Some people find
                                                            it easier to pass stools during a bowel
                                                            movement if they place their feet on a low
                                                            platform, such as a step, with their knees
                                                            above hip level.

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