Page 40 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 40
This type of sweating is common on the your mood and relieve stress.
face, palms, feet and underarms due to ● Practice gratitude. At the end of each day,
heightened stress responses. take a moment to think about what you’ve
● Central nervous and endocrine system accomplished and not what you didn’t get
reactions- The central nervous system done. Look at the positives instead of the
triggers the “fight or flight” response via negatives.
the hypothalamus in your brain instructing ● Learn to say “no” if your plate is too full.
your adrenal glands to release stress Taking on additional responsibilities when
hormones, increasing your heart rate and you are too busy is a sure shot way to feel
directing blood flow to vital areas. If the stressed and overwhelmed.
exposure to stress persists, this response ● Set achievable goals for your day, week
continues which can lead to behaviours and month.
like overeating, substance abuse and social ● Try relaxation activities, such as
withdrawal. meditation, yoga, breathing exercises
● Low immunity- Stress initially boosts and muscle relaxation. Taking breaks to
the immune system for immediate defence allow your body to rest and reset is very
against a foreign body which helps in important.
fighting off infections and healing wounds. ● Take good care of your body. Eat right,
However, chronic stress weakens your exercise, get enough sleep. These simple
immunity, making you more prone to practices can help your body handle stress
infections and even prolongs your recovery much better.
time from illnesses and injuries.
Treatment options for stress and its
physical symptoms
In an ideal world, a single pill will take
away all your stress. But in reality, there are
so many contributors to stress that there
is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Here are a
few ways to keep stress at bay-
● Talking with friends, a trusted advisor or
a therapist- Talking to someone is always If you feel overwhelmed from stress do
a great first step. They can help you figure not be afraid to ask for help.
out what is causing you so much stress and Help is always available.
figure out ways to manage and treat it. The bottom line —
● Taking breaks from the news, especially if Occasional stressful situations are part
it is all bad, is a good way to keep stress out. and parcel of life. Working through these
● Taking breaks from your devices events effectively and dealing with it head
(computer, phone, TV) on is what keeps chronic stress at an arm’s
● Adding nutrient-rich foods to your diet length. Nip it in the bud!
and avoiding excessive substance use like Fortunately, there are many ways to help
alcohol and drugs. relieve stress, all you have to do is find
● Exercising, even a short walk can boost what works the best for you.