Page 39 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 39

factors can alter your libido. Prolonged           Maintaining a balanced lifestyle, eating
         stress tends to lower the testosterone levels      healthy foods and managing your stress
         in a man which can lead to erectile issues.        can promote a healthier gut.
         Prolonged stress in women can affect               ● Appetite changes and weight gain-
         their menstrual cycles and menopause               Stress often affects your appetite, causing
         symptoms.                                          variations in eating patterns. It can lead
         ● Acne- Too much stress can lead to severe         to overeating or loss of appetite, both of
         bouts of acne. A common reason for this            which can negatively impact your  weight
         is because when you feel  stressed out,            and overall health. Individuals with higher
         you tend to touch their faces more than            cortisol and insulin levels and higher levels
         usual which spreads bacteria and germs.            of chronic stress are more likely to gain
         Stress also causes your sebaceous glands           weight in the future.
         to produce extra oil which can lead to an
         increase in acne. Hormonal changes, an
         erratic diet and poor gut health along with
         stress can significantly increase acne.
         ● Muscular tension- When you’re
         stressed, your muscles tense up as a
         protective instinct and release once you
         relax. However, if you are constantly under
         stress, your muscles may not get a chance
         to relax which can lead to muscle tension.
         Tight muscles can cause headaches, back            ● Chest pain or rapid heartbeat- Intense
         pain,  shoulder pain and body pain. Over           stress can trigger chest pain or discomfort
         time, this can lead to severe consequences         due to an increased heart rate and
         like stopping to exercise and turning to pain      constricted blood vessels.  Feeling like your
         medication for relief.                             heart is racing is your body’s response to
         ● Chronic pain- Aches and pains are a              chronic stress which mimics symptoms
         common complaint among all age groups.             of a heart attack. However if you are
         But it can increase when you are stressed          experiencing chest pain, it’s crucial to seek
         due to increased levels of cortisol.               medical attention to rule out any serious
         ● Frequent sickness- If you feel like you’re       issues.
         constantly battling some illness or another,       ● High blood pressure- High blood
         chances are you are stressed and that is           pressure can be exacerbated by chronic
         the culprit. Stress may take a toll on your        stress, as stress triggers the release of
         immune system and weaken it significantly.         hormones that narrow blood vessels and
         ● Digestive issues- Stress can disrupt your        elevate heart rate. Prolonged stress can
         gut-brain axis, thus impacting digestion           lead to hypertension. Managing your stress
         and your overall gut health. The release of        is important to prevent and control your
         stress hormones can lead to gastrointestinal       blood pressure levels.
         issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhoea,     ● Sweating- Stress can lead to increased
         acidity, cramps, IBS, altered bowel                sweating, notably “psychological
         patterns and other serious digestive issues.       sweating,” triggered by stress and anxiety.

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