Page 35 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 35
pain, sciatica, cervical spondylitis, knee We know that food and nutrition are
pain, psoriasis, eczema, hair fall, sleep sometimes used synonymously though it is
disturbance and many more. not correct completely, food is the mixture
of ingredients that is consumed for the
Importance of Food nutrition. The quality of food will decide
the quality of nourishment to the body
resulting either health or illness. Food is
the source of energy for the functioning
of the building blocks to grow and repair
the body tissues. Each second millions
of cells undergo wear and tear. This
mechanism is dependent on the quality of
the body and vitality is majorly dependent
on the digestion and metabolism in the
“Let food be the medicine and medicine be thy food” body. Hence food plays an important role
Proper food is the basis of healthy and in the promotion of health and disease
long life any therapy is incomplete without prevention.
improving the diet. The food that we According to fundamentals of
consume, makes our blood and muscles, so Naturopathy diet can be divided into
while choosing food items it should be kept three stages. Eliminative diet, Soothing
in mind that our body is to be formed by it. diet and Constructive diet. Certain recipes
Naturopathy present a new concept of food which are prepared with specific cooking
which incorporates modern research along methods with the usage of all grains and
with ancient Indian practices. vegetables which suits the cells and tissues
We have often heard, that when it comes of the body, helps to balance and revitalise
to health there are no shortcuts. Perfect the cells and tissues, along with mindful
health comes from sustainable, long term, naturopathic diet and fasting.
persistent following the diet and lifestyle The effectiveness of their cooking methods
programs. Nutritional food plays a vital and ingredients are that they have anti-
role in sustainable weight loss revising inflammatory properties which eliminate
lifestyle disorders and managing stress. the risk of infections in inflammations from
The Greek physician Hypocrites said, “Let the body from the cellular levels. Some of
food be the medicine and medicine be thy the recipes are useful for detoxification by
food.” The quality of food should be such clearing the capillaries and channels of the
with takes care of the body to its optimum entire body. This way it is the digestion
level, preventing the accumulation of absorption assimilation and elimination
toxins resulting in the manifestation of of toxins better on the cellular level thus
diseases. On the other hand if there are any increasing our vitality.
acute and chronic conditions in the body, While some foods provide nutrient
the method and combination of dietary and nourishment to us, compensating
intake should be adapted so as to eliminate the nutritional deficit in the body if any.
the toxins and fix the vitiation of the bodily The specific food preparations are tried
functions. and tested and cooking methods are