Page 38 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 38
overall well being it needs to be addressed. “fight” stress response. You’re heated,
overly emotional and unable to sit still.
What happens to your body during 2. Foot on the brake- A withdrawn,
stress? depressed or “flight” stress response. You
Chronic stress activates your body’s shut down and run away or pull away from
fight-or-flight reaction. It impacts your the situation. You show very little energy
mood, immune, digestive, nervous and or emotion.
cardiovascular systems. Prolonged stress 3. Foot on both- A tense or “freeze” stress
often leads to wear and tear of the body due response. You freeze under pressure and
to the persistent activation of your body’s can’t do anything. Almost paralysed by the
stress response. While stress is a natural stress.
response, prolonged stress can negatively
affect you in the form of decreased energy, Severe stress can take shape in the form
sleep disturbances and emotional changes. of physical symptoms. Here are the most
This poses risks to your overall health and common physical symptoms of stress:
For example- If you’re sitting in traffic,
watching time whizz by and you’re
getting late for an important meeting,
your hypothalamus, the tiny control
centre in your brain, decides to rally the
troops- your stress hormones! These stress
hormones trigger your body’s “fight or
flight” response. Your heart starts to race,
your breath quickens,your palms and pits
get sweaty and your whole body readies ● Headaches- A headache is one of
itself for action. This stress response was the most common telltale signs of
designed by your body to protect itself in being stressed. There are several types
case of emergency. of headaches but the most common
characteristics of it are pain in the head,
How long does stress last? face and neck region.
Stress can be a short-term issue or a long- ● Sleep issues- Stress can often cause
term issue depending on what causes it and insomnia (inability to sleep), disturbed
how you handle it. Chronic or long term sleep or sleeping too much.
stress is what has negative effects on your ● Decreased energy- Prolonged stress
body if left untreated. It can reduce your can often lead to chronic fatigue and low
quality of life, physical and mental health. energy levels. Not getting enough sleep or
Stress doesn’t always look stressful — disturbed sleep often leads to decreased
Psychologist Connie Lillas uses a driving energy during the day.
analogy to describe the three most common ● Changes in libido- Chronic stress often
ways people respond when they’re diminishes your sex drive. This can impact
overwhelmed by stress. your arousal. Stress, alongside hormonal
1. Foot on the gas- An angry, agitated or changes, fatigue and other psychological