Page 36 - Seniorstoday September-2023 Issue
P. 36
scientifically proven. These eating habits if Avoiding non-vegetarian food, eggs and
re-adopted help provide natural healing if liquor, avoid excessive use of sugar and
consume for longer period of time as there eating too many sweets, avoid eating out,
are no side effects or contraindications. avoid consumption of processed food
Most of the food that was served during my wherever possible avoid consumption of
stay had no milk or milk products except stale food whenever possible, avoid fried
ghee. All the foods are completely gluten foods, avoid items made from white flour
free. Chillies in any form are not added including bakery products, eat only when
and no garam masalas are used. The spices you are hungry, strictly avoid over eating
and other ingredients used like, kadi patta, and keeping a fast once every week with
pudina, methi, saunf, ajwain, jeera, ginger/ only fruit and fresh fruit juices are some of
saund, haldi, hing assist our digestion the recommendations to be adopted by us
process. The combinations are made in the long run.
such to keep the complete check on the healthy long lives, but we lost them
balancing of the needs of the physiology of somewhere along the way. Now whether
the body. we want to live long or not, is not in our
Intake of the healthy and balanced meals hands, but we all definitely want to be
prepared with healthy cooking methods, health and strong as long as we live. Worth
helps maintain the nutritional levels in the re-discovering naturopathy and getting
body improving all the vitals – hair, skin hooked to it, to be able to live a vibrant life
and nails. Aging process can be delayed by and enjoy it to the fullest.
incorporating balance food preparations. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a medical
Many of these things and food habits practitioner, what I have written is purely
we have heard about, and we know that from my experience as a participant and my
our elders used to follow and they lived observations thereof.