Page 14 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
P. 14
Viva México!
Imposing monuments dominate the city
Mexico as a country was intriguing to me, as one had heard about the Aztecs and
the Mayans. When we got the opportunity to go as a group, my wife and I decid-
ed to seize it, writes Vijay Taparia. We visited in the month of April and the tem-
perature was comfortable (max 28 degrees, min 10 degrees Celsius). The flying
time, with the fastest connections, is at least 25 to 27 hours including the layover.
We first landed in Mexico City and stayed at the not as impressive and could be missed for more
Four Seasons hotel. The property was good but historical and cultural experiences (unless you
not exceptional. The first day we visited the old wish to buy local art and walk thru the local buzz).
city and saw the ruins built by the Aztecs (in
the post-classic period from 1300 to 1521). While visiting the ruins, we took a refreshment
break at Cafe de Tacuba and it was a delight. The
A visit to the anthropology museum is highly musicians serenaded us with some great music.
recommended. The architecture of the place is When we left after an hour there was large crowd
interesting as is the understanding of the evo- of tourists waiting to get in.
lution of Mexican society. The next day we did
a hot air balloon ride at Teotihuacan and got Arango is a charming restaurant situated in a
an overview of the Sun and Moon pyramids very old house. The ambience is great and so is the
built by Mesoamericans and later found by the food. La Opera Cantina, seemed like a quaint old
Aztecs who claimed a common ancestry with restaurant, but the food was not worth the visit. La
Teotihuacanos, modifying and adopting aspects Gruta, near Teotihuacan. La Gruta is a restaurant
of their culture. One could climb both the pyra- in a cave and worth the experience. Though we as
mids if one wishes to. The Sun pyramid has 324 a group did not go Pujol and Quintonil, they are
steps that are very steep but climbable. both highly recommended restaurants. There is
limited variety for vegetarians at restaurants.
The old city had an interesting Cathedral as
well as some interesting monuments. Of all the We were able to catch the Folkloric ballet show at
popular tourist spots, The Saturday Bazaar was Bellas Artes Palace on a Sunday morning. It was
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1