Page 23 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
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to a sharp increase in seniors. An ageing a burden. A survey dated June 15, 2019 by the
population has far-reaching implications, NGO HelpAge India reported that 35 per cent
whether social, economic, or medical. As of respondents looking after the elderly said
people age, several issues arise. There is that they did not feel happy taking care of
reduced mobility, age-related ailments and them.
conditions, a need for care-givers, financial
worries, dependency, loss, possibility of However, the only constant is change and
abuse, and increasingly, loneliness. Almost one has to accept that social structure is
75 per cent of India’s population lives in rural not immune to it. We therefore have to
areas which means that for every senior find ways to address the issues caused by
living in an urban area there are three in rural this transformation in society and evolve
areas and both have their own set of specific new ways of handling them. One of the
concerns which need looking into. consequences of the changing family
structure has been that assisted living has
The issues related to ageing are numerous started to take shape in India. A wide range of
and have to be tackled by society as a whole options from government-run old age homes
– individuals, communities, NGOs and to five star assisted living communities have
government – with understanding, resolve, sprung up all over the country.
and above all, empathy. Are we as a society
ready for the challenges of a rising senior Issues faced by Seniors
population? Seniors can actually be classified into two
groups – “young seniors” (60 to 75 years)
Change in Indian Society and “senior seniors” (over 75 years). With the
Indian society traditionally followed a joint increased awareness today about fitness and
family system which ensured security for healthy living, young seniors are by and large
seniors in the autumn of their lives. However, active and able to manage on their own. It is
with the growing trend of nuclear families, the senior seniors who often require care-
and children living away from parents, givers and assistance.
seniors are often left to fend for themselves
at a time when they most need help. The So what are the main issues that seniors face?
support system provided by the joint family Three major issues are related to health,
has crumbled, leaving seniors vulnerable to finance, and loneliness. It must be noted
distressing, and often traumatic, situations. that the root of all these problems can be
traced to much before one becomes a senior.
Many Indian children who go abroad to study As Fred Astaire commented, “Old age is
decide to settle there. Parents are thus left like everything else. To make a success of
behind to live on their own. An important it, you’ve got to start young.” It is important
change in Indian society has been the role of to plan your finances and to follow a fitness
women. The percentage of working women regime from a younger age in order to
has increased, as a result of which there is minimise problems in senior years.
often nobody at home to take care of an aged
person. Children, too, in today’s competitive Good health is absolutely crucial as one
world, are busy with so many activities in begins to get older. With age, physical
addition to school work that they do not have ailments are inevitable and it is essential
much time left for grandparents. Caring for to get good geriatric care at this stage. The
the elderly requires patience and dedication five “I”s of geriatrics include: Intellectual
and is increasingly considered by many to be impairment, Immobility, Instability,
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1