Page 26 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
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to safeguard the rights of the elderly, it is often against elders are increasing as documented in
difficult to enforce. the HelpAge India report. These can be phys-
Dependency is another issue that creeps in with ical, emotional, sexual, financial, or just plain
age. People who have been independent all their neglect. Elder abuse takes place in all strata of
lives become dependent on others due to bad society, and is inflicted by both family members
health or a financial crunch. This can lead to and outsiders. It is important that immediate ac-
emotional and mental troubles, as also to ex- tion is taken against the perpetrators of crimes
ploitation. against seniors and that every effort is made to
prevent such crimes from taking place.
What can we do? The government has enacted the Maintenance
Everyone has a role to play in caring for the and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act,
elderly. Family, the community, NGOs and 2007, to safeguard the rights of the elderly with
government, all deal with different aspects with penal provisions for abandonment of the elder-
regard to seniors. However, everyone needs to ly. (
first and foremost approach their issues with UploadFile/Annexure-X635996104030434742.
empathy. pdf) The government also implements pen-
sion and benefits schemes and programme for
Family members are often primary care-givers seniors under several ministries viz. Rural De-
for seniors who are not in good health. A warm, velopment, Health & Family Welfare, Finance,
caring approach will go a long way in making Home Affairs, Railways, and Civil Aviation.
them feel comfortable. Good geriatric care, a (
feeling of inclusion, and financial security can life-cycle/senior-citizens ). The Pradhan Man-
make the final years happy. Teaching children tri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY), is a recent
to respect seniors and treat them well will also pension scheme launched in 2017 and operated
go a long way in creating a welcoming atmo- by LIC. Although legislation and government
sphere for the aged.
schemes have been formulated, a lot more needs
Our community can also contribute to improv- to be done to help seniors face day-to-day chal-
ing the lives of seniors. Nutritious meal services lenges.
and community activities can greatly help
seniors. Assistance from community members
by way of volunteers to run errands etc would
benefit the elderly. Seniors have their own skill-
sets and they can be encouraged to impart those
skills to others. This will keep them mentally
challenged and socially connected.
NGOs play a big role in addressing the issues
of the elderly and in educating society at large
about the problems faced by them. They advise
seniors about their health and safety and train
volunteers to help them. Some NGOs also pro-
vide counselling and support as well as basic
medical services, in addition to running homes
for the aged.
The role of government in supporting seniors
is very critical. In 1999, a National Policy was
formulated by the Social Justice and Empow-
erment Ministry which aims to help seniors
live with security and dignity. However, crimes
A welcoming atmosphere is a must for seniors
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1