Page 31 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
P. 31
if you leave the cause of acidity unaddressed digestive properties, such as banana, papaya,
for a long period of time, it can lead to long gooseberries, ginger, garlic are known to be very
term and more serious problems. Prolonged helpful in relieving symptoms of acidity.
acidity can result in lack of nutrition, as it Mint leaves (Pudin Hara is actually made of mint
directly affects the process of digestion. It can extract) are a natural coolant. Boil few mint leaves
also lead to bigger problems such as dyspep- in water, and drink it after cooling.
sia, gastric inflammation and ulcers in the Fennel seeds (saunf), commonly consumed af-
stomach. ter dinner prevent stomach spasms. Having raw
Acidity can be triggered by a number of fac- cumin seeds (jeera) in warm water improves
tors, the biggest one being eating spicy, oily digestion while carom seeds (ajwain) are also
foods, which unfortunately are common in known to treat acid reflux.
the Indian diet. Irregular eating habits—es- Time to seek help
pecially long gap between meals or skipping Lastly, if symptoms do not improve despite diet
meals followed by bingeing--are known to changes, it is time to seek medical advice. Talk to
play a huge role in causing acidity. Other fac- your doctor if you suffer from heartburn several
tors include stress, smoking, lack of physical times a week or if you notice sudden weight loss.
activity, excessive intake of tea, coffee, aerated You might be given medications such as antacids,
drinks and alcohol. Most important factor is which work by neutralising the acid in the stom-
by a bacterial infection called H Pylori infec- ach or certain medications which block acid secre-
tion tion in the stomach. Alarmingly, studies in the US
Prevention is better than cure and in India have shown that people who suffer
Here are some simple things you can do to from acid reflux are likely to be predisposed to
prevent acidity. Chew your food slowly in- cancer of the oesophagus. Upper Gi endoscopy is
stead of swallowing it quickly. Drink two a safe n effective diagnostic tool available. Hence
glasses of water every morning, as it helps one must consider this in case of above symptoms
maintain acid levels in the stomach as well Timely treatment can save your life.
as improves digestion. Eat smaller meals, at All mentioned above is important for our elderly
regular intervals. Do not lie down immediate- and geriatric population.
ly after your meal as this can worsen reflux.
Avoid aerated drinks--they cause belching,
which in turn, promotes reflux of stomach
acid. Also avoid trigger foods, such as spicy,
oily dishes, chocolate, coffee, tea, etc.
Grandma knows best
In case you do experience symptoms of acidi-
ty, before you rush to pop an antacid, let these
tried and tested home remedies, probably
recommended by your grandmother, come to
your rescue. Drink a glass of cold milk or but-
termilk. Both work like an antidote for acidity,
cooling the stomach, providing immediate
relief from the burning sensation in the stom-
ach. Fruits and vegetables known for their
SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1