Page 34 - Seniors Today -Volume no1
P. 34

Diet for Seniors

                                       What should be on our

                                       plates when we are 60?

                                       The right dietary choices can pep up a senior’s
                                      health and prevent a host of serious conditions,
                                                      writes Aafiya Khot

        While we could happily indulge in pizzas,             Here are 10 super glorious food items that you
        pastas and parathas as an adolescent, what we         need to stock up at home all the time for a fitter
        eat needs to change considerably with advanc-         you.
        ing age. The food that we bring to the table has      1.Green leafy vegetables - Eat more dark green
        to be more age-appropriate.                           vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, kale,

        As we enter our sixties and seventies, a slow-        microgreens, methi. A study recently published
        er, more relaxed rhythm sets in. The energy           finds that seniors who had daily helpings of
        that helped us bound around as a teenager             leafy green vegetables had a slower rate of cogni-
        and chomp the pizza in seconds reduces sig-           tive decline. Also helps in avoiding constipation.
        nificantly. Our physical activity, levels of most     2.Fruits - Fruits are always fruitful. Love it or
        hormones, haemoglobin decrease gradually              hate it. It boosts your energy and improves your
        with age resulting in a host of changes in our        stamina. Bananas, mangoes, custard apple, chi-
        digestive system, rate of metabolism, enzyme          koos, grapes are high calorie-dense fruits so can
        production and chewing and swallowing. Our            be taken in moderation whereas papaya, orang-
        overall body muscles become weaker, less              es, kiwi, lychees and plums, pomegranate are
        elastic and efficient, impacting every sphere of      available in monsoons. Most of these are easily
        our functioning. Our metabolism or BMR (basal         chewable and are counted among some of the
        metabolic rate) becomes sluggish. People have         anti-ageing fruits.
        insomnia which also affects the appetite. The         3.Cereals - Cereals such as oats, jowar, ragi,
        side effects of medicines can be severe for some.     lapsee can be consumed in the form of porridge,
        But there is lots that can be done to be healthy      uttapam, pancakes, upma filled with mixed
        and happy, maintain an active and independent         vegetables. These can be a great breakfast choic-
        life, accomplish our dreams, and keep visits to       es and easy to cook. They are filling and a super
        the doctor at the minimum. Pack in the required       healthy option when it comes to breakfast. They
        nutrients like proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates,     are rich in iron, protein and a great source of
        fibre and fluids judiciously in your diet to keep     fibre.
        degenerative forces and diseases at bay.              4.Eggs - Eggs contain 13 essential vitamins and
                                                              minerals, including Vitamin D, which is import-

                                                                                   SENIORS TODAY | Volume 1 | Issue 1
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