Page 11 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 11

With osteoporosis bones become thinner            What is osteopenia?
         and brittle, and in severe cases even a minor      Osteopenia is essentially lower bone density,
         bump can cause a fracture (break or crack).        where bones have lost some mass and
         Any bone can be affected by osteoporosis,          strength. In osteopenia the bone density
         but the most common sites are the spine, hip,      is between normal bone density and
         wrist, ribs, pelvis and upper arm.                 osteoporosis. A woman with osteopenia has
          Often, there are no signs or symptoms of          a risk of broken bones that is higher than
         osteoporosis until a fracture occurs. This is      normal, but not as high as with the more
         why osteoporosis is called the “silent thief”.     severe effects of osteoporosis.
          A loss in height or an increasing stoop may
         be signs of osteoporosis.                          Osteoporosis in India
                                                            The Osteoporosis society of India estimated
                                                            the number of osteoporosis patients at
                                                            approximately 36 million in 2013.
                                                             The commonest fracture due to
                                                            osteoporosis is in the spine, affecting 60%
                                                            of women above 80 years. The second most
                                                            common osteoporosis fracture involves the
                                                            hip, affecting 25% of women above 80 years.
                                                             Besides normal ageing, poor lifestyle,
                                                            certain illnesses or hormonal ad nutritional
                                                            deficiencies can also cause osteoporosis.
         A physiotherapist can provide assistance with bone strength-  These risk factors help in identifying people
         ening exercises and fall prevention by addressing posture,
         balance, coordination and muscle strength.         more likely to develop osteoporosis.

           CAUSE                               EFFECT ON BONE HEALTH

           Family history                      You are at increased risk of osteoporosis if you have a family
                                               member with osteoporosis, especially a parent or sibling who
                                               has had a hip fracture.

           Physical inactivity                 Lack of physical activity reduces bone and muscle strength.

           Calcium                             A lack of calcium in the diet weakens bones.

           Vitamin D                           Low vitamin D, due to inadequate sunlight, can reduce the
                                               body’s ability to absorb the calcium.

           Low oestrogen                       A drop in oestrogen causes a loss in bone strength
                                               late onset of menstrual periods
                                               absent or infrequent menstrual periods
                                               early menopause

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