Page 14 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 14
Fracture Have you suffered any fractures?
Hyperthyroidism (overactive Have you ever had any thyroid problems?
Medication What medications do you take?
Menopause Are you experiencing any of the symptoms of menopause?
Have your periods stopped and when did you last have a
Menstruation At what age did your periods start?
Are your periods regular?
Posture Have you noticed a change in your posture or loss of height?
Smoking Do you smoke and if so, how many cigarettes do you smoke
per day?
If you smoked in the past, when did you stop smoking?
If your doctor finds you have significant risk Understanding your results
factors for osteoporosis, then your doctor The result of a DXA scan is presented as a
may arrange tests as outlined below. T-score and Z score.
Your T-score reflects how much your
DXA scan bone density differs from that of a healthy
A dual energy X-ray absorptiometry scan young person (when peak bone mass is at
(DXA, previously DEXA) is a specialised its best), measured in ‘standard deviations’
X-ray used to measure bone mineral density. (the average distance from the average). A
A DXA scan may be used to: negative T-score means you have reduced
confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis bone density which will happen as you age.
identify the extent of any bone loss It is the extent of the negative score that is
determine whether any treatment for important to consider.
osteoporosis is working. The stages and progression of bone mineral
What to expect when you have DXA scan density loss from normal to osteopenia to
Having a DXA scan is a similar process to osteoporosis are:
having a normal ‘X-ray’. It does not hurt, is
fast and has a lower radiation dose compared T-SCORE RANGES
to other X-ray methods. Normal bone density -1.0 to 0
Usually only the bones in the lower back
(lumbar spine) and hip region (proximal Bone density for osteopenia -1.0 to -2.5
femur) are measured. In special cases the (thinning of the bones is
bones in your forearm (radius) may be present but there is no
measured. increased risk of fracture)