Page 15 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 15

Bone density for                   -2.5 or less
         osteoporosis (thinning of the
         bones is present and there is
         an increased risk of fracture)

         Assessing the risk of fracture
         A low bone mineral density measure
         is associated with an increased risk of
         fractures. For every reduction in T-score, the
         risk of fracture doubles so someone with a
         T-score of -2 faces twice the risk of fracture
         compared with someone whose T-score is -1.
          Other risk factors mentioned earlier also
         influence the likelihood of fracture, not just the
         bone mineral density reading on a DXA scan.

         Frequency of DXA scans                             Physical activity can help maintain bone strength
         Generally your doctor will arrange for you         Management & treatment
         to have a repeat DXA scan every two or three       In youngsters it is important to achieve a
         years to monitor the status of your bones          high peak bone mass with exercise and
         and/or assess the effects of therapy.              a healthy diet. After that bones usually
                                                            weaken with age, so the focus from early on
         X-ray                                              is to prevent bone loss, maintain existing
         A plain X-ray of your upper and lower              bone strength, and treat existing osteopenia
         spinal column (thoraco-lumbar spine) may           (before the bones develop osteoporosis) and
         be ordered to determine whether there are          osteoporosis.
         already features of osteoporosis affecting
         the spinal column. Up to one third of women        Lifestyle management
         with osteoporosis may have had a fracture of       A diet that includes: Calcium, limited
         the spine without knowing it.                      caffeine, limited alcohol, adequate vitamin
                                                            D and 45 min of sunlight exposure per
         Blood tests                                        day, calcium and vitamin D supplements
         It may also be necessary to have blood and         if you have a deficiency, physical activity
         urine tests to look for any contributing           – especially weight-bearing exercise, not
         causes for osteoporosis. This may include          smoking, and fall prevention strategies in
         assessment of vitamin D levels, calcium            the elderly.
         levels and thyroid function.
                                                            Illnesses & medications
         Ultrasound                                         If you have an illness or take medication,
         Currently ultrasound measurement of the            which increases your risk of osteoporosis,
         heel is available to diagnose osteoporosis.        it is important to be aware of this impact,
         Ultrasound tests are not as accurate in            discuss the effects with your doctor, and
         assessing for osteoporosis as a DXA scan.          have regular testing of your bone density.

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