Page 42 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 42

the Chinese halted operations to regroup           against all physical odds. The valour of the
         and focus. They now held the frontline             detachment of Kumaon regiment fighting in
         from Demchok–Sirjap (Chushul ) – DBO               temperatures of 30 Degress C below are now
         line which the Indians once held. The              legendary.
         government promulgated emergency and
         the Defence of India ordinance was issued.         Chushul – Battle of Rezang La
         Across the country massive fund collection         Brig Raina began shoring up defences
         drives were initiated and generally people         immediately upon arrival and identified
         offered any and everything they could give,        the three main routes the Chinese could
         including enrollment to help the frontline         take to attack. From all strategic thinking it
         in any way. This really boosted the morale         was the Spanggur gap area which was the
         of our troops and one could feel a sense of        most probable area where they would come
         patriotism everywhere.                             down from as they could control the Leh
          The IAF too played a very valuable role           to Dungti road. This was the lifeline of the
         as they kept on flying sorties after sorties       area and whoever controlled that, was at the
         with men and material to shore up defences         most advantageous position. Deployment
         all over Ladakh. Fairchild Packets, AN 12          of various battalions was done, along with
         and MI helicopters were relentless. Leh,           detailed planning meticulously by Brig
         DBO, and Chushul airstrips were used               Raina. A squadron of tanks was airlifted
         very frequently. The American company              from Chandigarh by the redoubtable AN
         manufacturing Fairchild Packets wrote to           12 aircrafts and this really gave a very good
         the IAF that these aircrafts could not be          equation of balancing out the defence as
         used at such altitudes.  Yet it is these men       never had tanks been pressed into service at
         of valour who flew these to such heights.          these altitudes. While it was the Stuart tanks
         Only ingenious retrofitting of the AN 12           which did commendable duty at Zoji La in
         could produce miracles like the airlifting of      1948, here it was the AMX tanks. Operating
         tanks to Chushul. Just like the Americans, I       at such altitudes soon become a world
         am sure the Russians could not believe the         record.
         Antonov aircrtaft could lifts tanks to those        For some strange reason the attack did
         heights.                                           not come till a month later. By that time
          In the meanwhile, the Brigade made plans          the Indian troops who were all set in their
         for defence of Leh – the capital city. Soon        trenches, could not understand why we
         reinforcements arrived in Ladakh and the           could not attack rather than wait endlessly.
         action now shifted to Chushul where it was         It was not as if we had not been attacked
         expected that the Chinese would confront           earlier but the fact is that we have a holier-
         the Indian army. The existing brigade under        than-thou attitude otherwise what would
         the redoubtable Brig Raina (who later went         explain this wait ? Poor military tactics
         on to become the Chief of Army staff) headed       as the Chinese could be seen building on
         to Chushul. This is where the famous battle        their defences and arsenal. I am told that
         of Rezang La was fought. In the annals of          the orders to not initiate the attack came
         Indian Military history this is probably           from Delhi. The Chinese had already killed
         the most well-known battle fought by a             many a fellow jawan and the troops were
         much numerically inferior force (1:10) and         irked and wanted to take revenge. Knowing

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