Page 11 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 11

hostesses and had to entertain - I never           useless at numbers! I have had to live and
         understood that. It started a new life of          learn and I’m getting better. He’s not very
         travel for me.                                     interested.
                                                             A lot of my friends are artists and that
         What has moulded you - made you who                we share. Salman is ever ready to go to
         you are today?                                     exhibitions because he has an interest
         Kusum: I was 16 when I joined theatre              in Art and likes to talk about it. And it’s
         under Mr Alkazi. It was dramatic! (pun             been furthered by our daughter, Navina
         unintended)                                        Haidar, who is an Art Historian (at The
          I’ve done a lot of work in theatre,               Met, New York). So, it’s in our blood, as it
         literature, direction and acting. Art was          were.
         part of Mr Alkazi’s agenda as a teacher -           Salman is very interested in books -
         he recently passed away. We attended his           he loves reading. He’s one of the good
         weekly talks on Art and nobody can ever            readers that I have met. Once he starts
         forget his mark on them.                           talking about a book, he will analyse it
          On one of my postings, I wasn’t too well          and he remembers things about it that
         and I was introduced to Tai Chi - and              many people forget.
         I enjoyed learning from a wonderful                We share a love for literature.
         teacher and benefitted and I introduced it
         to many people and now I teach it too.

         What has had a lasting influence on
         Salman: When I joined, the head of the
         Service was the Prime Minister, Pandit
         Nehru, and he was particularly partial, in
         those days, to the Foreign Service. He put
         a mark on everything that we aspired to.
         Kusum has always been engaged in
         theatre. So far as I am concerned, I have
         certainly been sustained by a community
         of Foreign Service people. We all back
         each other and we know each other and
         many of us are very great friends and
         have shared relationships. We have much
         in common that we take for granted and
         appreciate that it’s sustaining.

         Would you say you are differently
         inclined? What are your common
         interests? Do you complement each
         Kusum: (Laughs) We are both quite                  Kusum and Salman then

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